Campo 4.2 - Cannot create snapshot.
I've discovered the following -
mysql> select * from hypervisor_capabilities where id=12\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 12
uuid: 12
hypervisor_type: KVM
hypervisor_version: default
max_guests_limit: 65
security_group_enabled: 1
max_data_volumes_limit: 6
max_hosts_per_cluster: NULL
storage_motion_supported: 0
vm_snapshot_enabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
For some reason, it is not set to 1.
I have manually changed is and getting new error -
KVM VM does not allow to take a disk-only snapshot when VM is in running state
If I select the Snapshot memory:
I then able to take the snapshot.