
CloudPortal Business Manager 1.x

Pankaj Paliwal

CloudPortal 1.4 Install Fails


CloudPortal 1.4 Install Fails

On a fresh install of CentOS 6.3 plus MySql 5.1, I run the CloudPortal 1.4 install (CloudPortal-1.4.4-1-centos.tar.gz). During the package installs, I see invalid mirror url messages (see below). I believe the mirror issues are coming from the jpackage yum dependencies. Tomcat failed to install. Then, when it gets to the configuration step, because packages failed to install, it can't find the file. Am I missing something? Thanks.

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
epel/metalink | 12 kB 00:00
* base:
* epel:
* extras:
* jpackage:
* updates:
epel | 4.3 kB 00:00
epel/primary_db | 4.7 MB 00:03 [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 9 - "Server denied you to change to the given directory"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 9 - "Server denied you to change to the given directory"
Trying other mirror. [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, 'connect() timed out!')
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: jpackage. Please verify its path and try again

Checking if Iptables enabled

Iptables is enabled
Deleting the rule for accepting connection on 8080
This will not have any effect if this rule does not exist

iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).

Adding the rule to accept connection on 8080

Deleting the rule for accepting connection on 20410
This will not have any effect if this rule does not exist

iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).

Adding the rule to accept connection on 8080

iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ]
iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ]
iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter [ OK ]
iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ]
iptables: Applying firewall rules: [ OK ]
Rule added
error: Failed dependencies:
tomcat-native is needed by cloud-portal-1.4.4-1.x86_64
tomcat6 is needed by cloud-portal-1.4.4-1.x86_64
error: Failed dependencies:
cloud-portal is needed by cloud-portal-plugins-cas-1.4.4-1.x86_64
NOTE: You've successfully installed CloudPortal Business Manager.
Now proceed to configure the CloudPortal Business Manager...

Welcome to the Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager Configuration Tool.

Provide CloudPortal Public Server information
sed: can't read /usr/share/cloud/portal/conf/ No such file or directory
Host Name []:

Paul Welch MEMBERS

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Previous 13 comments

Pankaj Paliwal

CloudPortal 1.4 Install Fails

After skipping the jpackage mirrors by setting "enabled=0" in /etc/yum.repo.d/jpackage.repo, the install finishes. However, there are many java exceptions in catalina.out and the website home page is just blank white page. Log file attached.

Attached Files

Paul Welch MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

This is related to the jpackage.repo being down, several RPMs needed by CPBM are not installed and cause various issues.
The engineering team are looking for workaround for this repo availability issue. Stay tuned.

Jacob Ben-David MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

Jpackage repo is back online, the installation should work fine now.

Jacob Ben-David MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

I got the
sed: can't read /usr/share/cloud/portal/conf/ No such file or directory
And when I looked more closely it showed that it couldnt find epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm but it couldnt find it thru FTP so I FTPd do (which was my closest mirror) and saw that the file wasnt there and it was changed with epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm, so I installed it manually with this command

rpm âivh

And then reruned the, it still complained about the file but it installed the other files anyway.

Francesco Misisca MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

Hi Francesco,

The problem is fixed in CPBM 1.4.5 version which should be downloadable from Citrix Download site - in couple of days.

the correct 6.8 version:

To workaround the issue:- One of the following can be attempted:

1) Install the above package manually and retry the (it will still complain about 6.7)
2) Edit the and replace all occurrences of 6-7 with 6-8 and re-run the

Thanks and Regards,

Madan Ganesh Velayudham CITRIX EMPLOYEES
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Pankaj Paliwal

I got it, but I have problems accessing the webpage now.

http status 404
Type Status report
description The requested resource () is not available

Read somewhere that it could be the mysql password, but I dont know where to change it, is it in

Francesco Misisca MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal


/etc/cloud/portal/ is the configuration file.

However i would not recommend you to edit it manually.

Please follow the steps mentioned in the same order:

1) Download CloudPortal Business Manager
2) System Preparation
3) Installing MySQL Database
4) Installing and Configuring CloudPortal Business Manager
5 Integration with CloudStack or CloudPlatform
6) Starting CloudPortal Business Manager
7) Verifying CloudPortal Business Manager Installation
8) Setting up Proxy Server

Madan Ganesh Velayudham CITRIX EMPLOYEES
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Pankaj Paliwal

We did that, but we were two persons installing. So my question is, how can I remove everything and start from scratch? I couldnt install MYSQL again since it had its database already installed

Francesco Misisca MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

Please do the following on the mysql server to remove database:

mysql -u root -p
(Enter the password)

drop table cloud_portal;
drop table cloud_portalmq;
drop table cloud_reports;


and now the cloud portal system:
Resume the setting up Database step D) option of ./

Madan Ganesh Velayudham CITRIX EMPLOYEES
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Pankaj Paliwal

I reinstalled the whole machine since I didnt have the mysql password. Now everything works, but I dont have CloudStack which seems to be a vital part of this.

Im trying to find info about what Cloudstack does but keep getting to the Cloudplatform pages, so is CloudStack the part that connects CloudPlatform with CloudPortal and other cloud services?

I want to use CloudPortal Business Manager ONLY for CloudPortal Services Manager, do I need CloudStack and for CloudStack, do I need CloudPlatform?

So only interesting in the billing part together with CPSM as of now.

Francesco Misisca MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal


CloudStack is open source cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services. And CloudPlatform is Citrix's version of CloudStack (powered by Apache).

Currently CPBM has tight integration with CloudStack/CloudPlatform in order to sell IAAS.

CPBM's billing engine is an integral part of CPBM which cannot be used with CPSM directly.

It will be great to learn the use case to help you further.

Madan Ganesh Velayudham CITRIX EMPLOYEES
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Pankaj Paliwal

Ok, we have a XenApp environment where all our users connect to our infrastructure. We have installed CPSM to get the provisioning up and running and ease the work for the helpdesk and also give the benefit of customers and resellers to create their own accounts and assign users to applications.

But, with this, comes also that if the customer can assign a licensed product like MS Access we need to know this and be able to bill the customers for this. Also, if a new user is created or deleted the billing need to be adjusted.

Therefor "they" told be that toghether with CPBM you can integrate CPSM with CPBM and use that for the billing. So my intentions are to move all customers billing into CPBM so that when a customer creates a user the billing is updated and then sent to the customer, meaning I do not want to do the billing manually anymore, thats the whole point.


1. Is this possible with CPSM and CPBM?
2. Can I do this without integrating CloudPlatform since I dont need it right now and its a hassle to configure (We do have an IaaS (on Cloudplatform) service PoC setup already but on another site not intended to interfere with our XenApp/XenDesktop environment)
3. What are my options?

I have setup CPBM (without CloudStack) but the integration with CPSM is whats missing.

Best Regards

Francesco Misisca MEMBERS
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Pankaj Paliwal

Hi Francesco,

Currently CPBM and CPSM integration is not implemented and we will likely to have this in future. CloudPlatform/CloudStack is required for CPBM as well.

I've requested appropriate person to get in touch with you to discuss further.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Madan Ganesh Velayudham CITRIX EMPLOYEES
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