So far the only one coming down is dated 2.19.17.
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I am doing a little discovery of leveraging the option to use Patch Manager to patch Java (JRE specifically). I think I have every thing setup correctly. (I am currently running 9.1). However, I don't seem to be to acquire any Update after JRE 1.8 Update 31 (JRE-1-8-UPD-31). JRE is currently at update 66. Update 31 was posted on 1-29-2015. I do see some articles on the Oracle site about some change made to their patching methodology around this time.
points to
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a hotfix? I currently don't use this feature, so I can't say for something is broken. However, if anyone is using this feature successfully still (after 1-2015) let me know.
The June acquisition is only bringing down MS16-070. I have an urgent case open with Accelerite to investigate the problem.
Hi experts,
I'm getting the below error , while trying to deploying anything on agent machines.
RADPINIT pinit_rc:[209] - [Error transferring physical application files from server.]
Please suggest on this.
Is there any feature to send RCA report over email message or schedule the report to be sent over email automatically.
Using this kind of feature we can save our efforts.
Sumant Kulkarni
Hi Experts,
How can i get the patch details of agent devices.
which patch are there and which needs to be deploy.
We feel it would be beneficial in our environment to allow our desktop technicians the ability to type in a machine name before the OSM image process starts. Most of the time they start imaging new machines using USB flash drives that connect back to the OSM server. Right now it pulls the serial number automatically. We have a lot of things that happen after the image process takes place and it would work much better for us if our techs had an option to fully name the workstations before it all begins. Has anyone else been able to accomplish this in their environment? Maybe this ability already exists and we just don't know about it..?
Thank you
I wanted to know whether i can remotely shutdown the desktops from core server by broadcasting any remote command to RCA agent machines.
Also wanted to know can i broadcast a message from core server to agent machines during any emergency situation?
I've deployed the usage agent to a few clients and collected usage data. In an enterprise globally distributed network, how does one set the collection destination? Also, is the usage data sent in compressed format? And what is the difference between the UMINVENT and UMCOLLCT classes? It seems that collecting the data on an agent software connect will be adequate -- so there should be no need to schedule a collection outside of that. There is a best practices guide on the web site but it's a bit dated -- is there any other documentation which defines all the usage classes and attributes and best practices for Radia 10?
Hi Experts,
Please help in below.
Can we auto schedule the download of patches form internet to Radia core server ?
Also please suggest can we download third party patch in Radia apart from the default one.
Hi Experts,
Can we deploy Radia agent on Mobile devices through Radia console.
Please suggest ?
As many of you are already aware, a major cyber-attack was launched recently that targeted a vulnerability in the SMB server. MS17-010 patched this hole for supported OS’s in March but left unsupported OS’s at risk so Microsoft released patches for the unsupported OS’s. Anyone who is managing WinXP, Win8, or Win2K3 and would like to patch this OS's via Patch Manager can send me an email
See links below for more details about the security patch.
I am getting a file corruption error in my lab (9.2, 9.1) when running an acquisition for the April security patches. Anyone else getting this error?
ERROR: Cabinet file is corrupted
On a side note:
Microsoft released the April Security bulletins via the new Security Update website. I have not detected an updated via the legacy Security Bulletin website yet and the Security bulletin website is re-directing to the new Security Update website. If the legacy bulletin naming convention has been dropped than you may no longer acquire bulletins in the following format. MS17-XXX
Security Update website:
Hi Team,
I was working to create a software package of Internet Explorer 11. But Its not getting successfull. Can anyone guide me through the steps for the same.
Sumant Kulkarni
If any RCA agent gets removed or a desktop is formatted then the RCA agent gets removed and we cannot get any inventory or infor about the PC. Is there any mechanism in RCA that we can get alert for the removal of agent or desktop formatting.
Sumant Kulkarni
In Core/Satellite model, we have an option in RMP.CFG to enable/disable the SAP Automatic Management. If enabled it does two things
Create SAP instances for any new Satellite server added in the environment
Create RPS_ User account under PRDMAINT.POLICY.USER class
So is there a way we can disable the user creation only and not the SAP instance creation ?
I would like to create package for only specific type of device using ZSTOP000.
It;s working only when I enter one type of device
but when I tried to add multiple models it's not working
Any advice?
I want to let our users have the option to connect their laptops from home over their internet connection at night. I already use a scheduled task to wake the computers from sleep to start a connect, however, what I did not realize until recently is that the computer goes back to sleep as soon as my script ends (and I stop my script after I fire the connect). I thought Windows would just stay awake until the "sleep after x minutes" is reached. However, that is not how it work out of a scheduled task. Does anyone have a solution for this already? I am also concerned about keep the machine awake through multiple reboots, etc during the connect.
I have many software which are published in radia core server. But these are not displayed in Radia self service manager catalog. how to publish them in catalog?
can anyone help?
In 9.x Core Satellite Architecture - What kind of information would be send from Client Agent to the Core? Like we are not doing any OSM connects so what other information would be send. Can this be tracked ?
Just noting that an updated June 2018 cab file is not available yet as far as I can tell. If anyone is having a different experience please confirm.
Hi Experts,
Kindly help me in below concern.
How to get the information of patches pending /deployed (patch inventory)on fresh agent devices.
I get to know that need to run Patch Connect without any bulletin and it will get the information of patch inventory. Is it the process? because its not happening in my case.
Can i automate the download the latest patch ?
How to remove to old patches from Radia ?
Please help me understand this.
Dear Experts,
I need to run security, compliance, vulnerability scan .
I'm not able to find any option for this.
Could you please help in this.
Hi All,
In our environment we using for every package attribute ZSTOP000 with value WORDPOS(EDMGETV(ZMASTER,ZOS),'WIN7')=0 (to install apps only for windows 7).
Customer want to migrate own systems to Windows 10.
Is there any tool or script which I can user to update that ZSTOP000 attribute for all our applications? We have over 700 apps which needs to be modified.
I was able to acquire the latest file around 5am this morning.
Hello, we are starting use Radia to deploy Microsoft patches, we have a highly remote environment and always connected through WWAN. My question is what is best practices for patching highly mobile devices, and if you use a VPN application how do you split the connection so it automatically downloads patches using WIFI once the computer connects once in house.
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