ConVirt Enterprise / ConVirt Enterprise Cloud Installation
Contents |
Setting up the ConVirt Enterprise or ConVirt Enterprise Cloud environment involves:
- Installing ConVirt Management Server (CMS) on one computer.
- Preparing Managed Servers for ConVirt. This step can be skipped if you want to work with Amazon/OpenStack Cloud.
- Using Firefox/IE8 browser to access ConVirt and start managing your infrastructure and use Cloud facilities.
Before you start, please review these pre-requisites to ensure your environment is ready for ConVirt.
Deployment Architecture | |
1.1 CMS Appliance Installation
The CMS appliance is a turnkey instance of the ConVirt Management Server, and is primarily used during the Trial process. If you plan to deploy to your production environment or customize the CMS, you will likely want to use the software installation instructions below.
Please review these pre-requisites before starting the installation process to ensure your environment is ready for ConVirt.
1.1.1 Set Up ConVirt Management Server Appliance
Install the ConVirt Management Server (CMS) as a Linux virtual appliance:
- Download the CMS appliance to your host server
- Use the link you received in the Trial email from Convirture.
- Use the file type appropriate for your platform
- .ova for VMware environments
- .gz for KVM/Xen environments (raw disk image)
- for Hyper-V environments
- Deploy, start and connect to the CMS virtual appliance
Start/connect on Xen
- Use the appliance xen config file information from here CMS Xen Trial Config, save it as a file named "cms" (no extension), and make the following change:
- Change the path in the disk parameter to wherever you unpacked the CMS-disk1.img appliance file
- Change the bridge name in the vif entry to the appropriate bridge for your network (in this example, its set to "br0")
- Optionally, you can also change the "name" value in the config file
- Start the appliance using the config file name
xm create cms
- Get the vnc port
- Use xm list to get the DOMID of the appliance
xenstore-read /local/domain/DOMID/console/vnc-port
- Connect to the appliance using vncviewer
- Use the port obtained from previous command
vncviewer :PORT_NO
- Use the appliance xen config file information from here CMS Xen Trial Config, save it as a file named "cms" (no extension), and make the following change:
Start/connect on KVM
- Start the appliance using the following command
- Change the path to the location where you created the CMS-disk.img disk
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/CMS-disk.img" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0" -std-vga "" -boot "c" -m "2048" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8091 -daemonize
- Or
/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/CMS-disk.img" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0" -boot "c" -m "2048" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8091 -daemonize
- Connect to the appliance using vncviewer
- Note that in the above command port :25 is used
vncviewer :25
- Start the appliance using the following command
Start/connect on Hyper-V
- unzip the appliance to get the .vhd disk.
- If you want to use the command line, open PowerShell as administrator on Host A and enter the following commands:
New-VM -Name CMS -MemoryStartupBytes 4096MB -VHDPath <path_to_appliance_disk> -SwitchName hv-switch0
Get-VM -Name CMS | Set-VM -ProcessorCount 2
Get-VM -Name CMS | Start-VM
- If you want to use Hyper-V Manager, use the following attributes:
- Name = CMS
- RAM = 4GB
- Virtual CPU =2
- Disk = use <path_to_appliance_disk>
- Network = "hv-switch0"
- Connect to the CMS virtual appliance console via Hyper-V Manager.
Start/connect on VMware
- Use the normal .OVA flow for importing a VMware appliance
- Connect to the CMS virtual appliance console.
Start/connect on Xen
- Log in to the CMS virtual appliance - the credentials are:
- user : cms
- password : convirt
- Find the IP address of the appliance to use in your browser
- Run ifconfig to find the IP assigned to the CMS appliance
sudo ifconfig eth0
- Open the CMS in your browser and activate the license
- Start Firefox browser on another machine on the network
- Using the IP address your discovered above, type in the url http://ip-address:8091
- Troubleshooting - if the CMS does not come up in your browser, make sure that it is setup and running on the CMS appliance correctly:
- Go into the CMS appliance and setup the CMS
cd convirt-enterprise
./convirt-ctl setup
- Start the CMS
./convirt-ctl start
- Open the CMS in your browser at http://ip-address:8091
- Go into the CMS appliance and setup the CMS
- Go to License Activation section to activate the deployment.
- Troubleshooting - if the CMS does not come up in your browser, make sure that it is setup and running on the CMS appliance correctly:
1.2 Using Docker image from Docker hub
Prerequisites : Docker setup
1. Get the image docker pull convirture/convirt-enterprise:CMS-3.4.5
2. Run the container docker run -d -t -i -p 8091:8091 --name cms-trial convirture/convirt-enterprise:CMS-3.4.5
3 start ConVirt
docker attach cms-trial
In the shell prompt
\# /script/appliance/rc.local (First time Initial configuration, will take few seconds)
4. Use ^p^q to get out of the container without killing it.
5. Point your browser to http://docker-host:8091
6. Now you will see a screen for license activation. Go to the "License Activation" page to activate the deployment.
1.3 License Activation
- When the CMS opens, the License Management dialog will come up, so you can activate your trial license
- Activate your Trial license
- In the License Management-Activate License dialog, select the "Trial" radio button
- Paste your Customer ID into the Customer ID text box
- You received this ID in your ConVirt Trial Credentials email
- Select "Activate" at the bottom of the dialog box
- The CMS will connect to Convirture's license server
- You should receive an alert "License applied successfully - Click OK to restart ConVirt". Click OK.
- You should receive an alert "License activated successfully and ConVirt restarted - Click OK to login". Click OK.
- You should see the Login panel for the CMS - login using the default credentials:
- user : admin
- password : admin
1.4 CMS Software Download and Installation
Convirt Enterprise 3.0 is currently supported for the following platforms:
- CentOS/RHEL 6.0
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS / Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- SLES 11 SP1/SP2
If you would like to have ConVirt Enterprise for other distributions, please contact us using Contact Us page and let us know the exact Linux distribution, version and python version (python -V).
Follow the distribution specific instructions to get up and running within minutes. Once finished, please follow instruction in the section above "License Activation"
Ubuntu Distribution
Installation Instructions (Here is a Command Cheat Sheet )
CentOS/RHEL Distribution
Installation Instructions (Here is a Command Cheat Sheet )
SLES Distribution
Installation Instructions ((Here is a Command Cheat Sheet )