ConVirt 1.1 provides a command level interface (CLI) for ConVirt managed environment. Most of the common operations can be invoked from command line. This enables automation of management tasks across the whole virtualized environment.
CLI Operations
The ComVirt CLI can be invoked by running convirt-cli. Invoking convirt-cli without any parameter gives a good summary of operations that are currently supported. Here is a short descriptions of operations that can be performed using convirt-cli on the ConVirt workstation.
Server Pool operations: List all server pool names Adds a server pool Remove a server pool
Server operations: Add a server Remove a server Edit server details List all managed serves Show managed server information List all vms Migrate all vms Kill all vms Start all vms Shutdown all vms Provision a new vm Restore a vm
VM operations: Delete a vm Kills a vm Migrate a vm Pause a vm Reboot a vm Resume a paused vm Set boot device for vm Start a vm Shutdown a vm Take a snapshot of a vm.
Image operations: Lists all images