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Extended Notify Security to remote notify for patches
I would like to execute remote command to download patches but I have applied "Extended Notify Security to validate remote notify" https://radiasupport.accelerite.com/hc/en-us/articles/203659824 and when I type Radntfyc.exe localhost -l Token -p PASSWORD -e ENCRYPT Token it use command from the ZNFYCMDL Radntfyc localhost radskman ip=<core-ip>,dname=software,uid=$machine,cop=y,log=connect.log.
There is other way to run command remotely to agent to download patches (not software)?
Should I use some special switches for Radntfyc.exe or add special values for class Extended Security Notify in CSDB?
Previous 11 commentaires
Hi Pawel,
New instance named say for example :"SOFTINST" can be added to the ZNFYXSEC class with the command line that ends with a , (comma) in the ZNFYCMDL.
We can then create a Job template or supply the sname = <SERVICENAME> argument when launching and this command as shown below.
Radntfyc.exe localhost -l SOFTINST -p PASSWORD -e ENCRYPT SOFTINST sname=<SERVICENAME>
This way sname can be a variable and any service can be installed with just one instance created in the ZNFYXSEC. For more information/help on this please log a support case with Radia Support and we will be happy to help you set this up.
NOTE: Am using ZNFYNAME "SOFTINST" instead of "Token"
Hi Fazahath,
It's not working for me. Probably because there is space sign in command.
I used command Radntfyc.exe localhost -l Token -p PASSWORDToken sname=BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN,log=_Install_BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN.log
Logs from file radexecd.log
NVD000001I [xsecure_set ] 11:57:36 [RADEXECD / 0000079c] SYSTEM --- parameters accepted[dname=SOFTWARE,cop=y sname=BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN,log=_Install_BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN.log]
NVD000001I [xsecure_set ] 11:57:36 [RADEXECD / 0000079c] SYSTEM --- validated ok to run[radskman] args[dname=SOFTWARE,cop=y sname=BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN,log=_Install_BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN.log]
And logs from _Install_BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN.log
NVD000010A [RADSKMAN ] 11:57:36 [RADSKMAN / 00000fc0] SYSTEM --- CMD LINE = dname=SOFTWARE,cop=y sname=BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN,log=_Install_BAUER_BDNFONTS02_EN.log
NVD000010V [RADSKMAN ] 11:57:36 [RADSKMAN / 00000fc0] SYSTEM --- Semaphore [Global\_RADSKMAN_] successfully locked after [0] seconds
NVD000010E [RADSKMAN ] 11:57:36 [RADSKMAN / 00000fc0] SYSTEM --! Error parsing command line rc [-15]
In my environemnt option ZNFYCMDL is radskman dname=SOFTWARE,cop=y without any space sign at the end.
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