
Radia Support

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Richard Phi Cutmore

Powershell Modules

Is there currently or plans to support powershell in future releases for Radia. As many modern technologies have taken this root we have been able to automate many tasks, saving time and reducing human error.

If this is not currently the case I would interested in building my own modules is there any API documentation that can be released? 




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Gowhar Jan

You can run powershell scripts on managed devices by publishing the script as a software package and setting the zcreate method accordingly. Is this close to what you would like to achieve or

do you have some server side automation in mind?

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Gowhar Jan

For ROM object editing and more, Radia ships with a tool by the name osmkit. The default location for this tool is "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\OSManagerServer\osmkit" and 

the documentation is available in Reference_Guide.pdf.

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Brandon Stevens
James Longo - EU

I built a Windows management utility, pre-powershell days, that uses a TCL webserver, vbscript and an Access database to manage Windows systems/Radia. I will eventually get around to upgrading the code from vbscript to powershell for better security. 

Doge is a Windows based management utility designed to automate routine admin tasks and troubleshoot remote systems from a central web-based console. It was developed specifically for Radia administration where hundreds of Windows Satellite/Proxy servers and thousands of Windows clients may need a repetitive admin task performed like stopping/starting services, collecting system information, verifying/deleting a file, remote shutdown/WOL, and executing scripts.

Doge runs on the same tclhttpd framework as a standard Radia Integration Server and uses the same interpreter so the TCL server pages(tsp) are interchangeable. The TCL server pages are setup to interact with an internal Access database to store user input/script output, execute vbscript, and a database front-end for reporting.

The tclhttpd serves up web content where users navigate/select the desired method, enter system credentials and pass variables to the back-end scripts via a pre-configured Access database. Using a text file with a list of systems as input the scripts can be configured and executed sequentially on all remote systems in the list as well as local and single system methods from any web browser enabled device. The output is sent to either excel or the internal Access database. The back-end consists of basic Windows scripts that are widely used including batch, vbscript, psexec for remote file execution and nvdkit.exe for Wake-on-LAN. 

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