Scheduling Batch Jobs
I found the problem!
Having performed the above steps, the Quartz tables in the mysql database need to be cleared and the CP service restarted.
Tried to re-schedule the batch jobs in CPBM 1.4.5 by following the steps listed in the documentation (see below). The cronExpression property was changed in applicationContext-jobs.xml to the new execution time and the file was copied to “/usr/share/cloud/portal/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/classes/” - the CP service was restarted and eventually the server was rebooted. But the batch jobs continue to run on the original schedule, the new time is ignored.
Are the instructions correct or am I missing something?
Scheduling Batch Jobs
1. Go to the /usr/share/cloud/portal/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib/ directory, copy the “vmops.admin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar” file to “/tmp” directory
2. Extract the jar file “vmops.admin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar”
3. Copy the “applicationContext-jobs.xml” and “applicationContext-scheduler.xml”
4. Edit "applicationContext-jobs.xml" and modify the XML elements for each job you want to work with. Typically, you will only edit the cronExpression property of an existing element. Follow the pattern in the file. If you need more help, see Job Scheduling Syntax in "applicationContext-jobs.xml".
5. Edit "applicationContext-scheduler.xml" and be sure that every trigger ID defined in "applicationContext-jobs.xml" is listed in the "triggers" property of the org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean bean element. If you need more help, see Job Scheduling Syntax in "applicationContext-scheduler.xml."
6. Copy these to files to “/usr/share/cloud/portal/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/classes/”
I found the problem!
Having performed the above steps, the Quartz tables in the mysql database need to be cleared and the CP service restarted.
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