
CloudPlatform 4.x

284 abonnés
Neil Soyez

Updating GuestOS Tempates After XenServer Upgrade

I am running CCP 4.5.1 with XenServer Hosts.   I recently upgraded my Hosts from XS 6.5 to XS 6.5SP1 (and all updates to XS65ESP11023).   When adding a new VM Template or ISO, I noticed that even though my XenServers now have GuestOS templates for new Operating Systems, such as Windows 10, CCP still only shows the previously available templates.  I assume that the XenTools is also the previous version. 

How do I update the GuestOS templates in CCP to match what the XenServers have available?   I read something about a "addGuestOSMapping API" command, but nothing on how to actually use it.



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Commentaire officiel

Pankaj Paliwal

Hello Neil,


"addGuestOSMapping API" will help resolving the Windows 10 issue.


With XS 6.5 SP1 the windows 10 template name in XenServer was ' Windows 10 Preview (64-bit) (experimental)'. For Windows 10 (64-bit) there is no mapping in CloudPlatform 4.5.1.

CloudPlatform has a mechanism using which admin can introduce a new guest OS and mapping it to the corresponding Guest OS name in respective hypervisors. Here is how we can do it for Windows 10 64 bit. You can use the same API calls for any guest OS going forward.

1. We have to run 'listGuestOsCategories' API – Run this request and capture the OS category id



From the output we will get the oscategoryid, please save the ID for the Guest OS for which you want to add the mapping.

For example, in my case OSCATEGORY ID for windows is d46cf754-8c9f-11e5-b296-0601ec000134


2.To add guest os use 'addGuestOs' API, for example

http://<<management server IP>>:8096/client/api?command=addGuestOs&oscategoryid=d46cf754-8c9f-11e5-b296-0601ec000134&osdisplayname=Windows 10 (64-bit)


Use display name according to your wish. We have to use the same displayname in 'addGuestOsMapping' API query



3. Now run 'addGuestOsMapping' API query with osdisplayname where the name should the osdisplayname provided in step (2)

http://<<<ManagementServerIP>>>:8096/client/api?command=addGuestOsMapping&hypervisor=XenServer&hypervisorversion=6.5.0&osnameforhypervisor=<Display Name>



http://<<management server IP>>:8096/?command=addGuestOsMapping&hypervisor=XenServer&hypervisorversion=6.5.0&osnameforhypervisor=Windows 10 (64-bit)&osdisplayname=Windows 10 (64-bit)



Once these are performed change the Guest OS for the templates from 'Windows 10 Preview (64-bit) (experimental)' to 'Windows 10 (64-bit)' to deploy virtual machines using them.






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Previous 3 commentaires

Pankaj Paliwal

Updating GuestOS Tempates After XenServer Upgrade

Hello Neil,


The templates are based on the version of CCP. So, you will continue to see the "templates / OS mapping" that were available prior to upgrading the Xen Server. CCP does not pull the details from XenServer dynamically.


"addGuestOSMapping API" call may help in scenario where you do not see a OS mapping to be available in CCP but admin known the hypervisor supports it.


?As far as the XenTools is concerned, with the upgradation of the server, it should have been updated.





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Neil Soyez

To be clear...   In particular, I want to be able to create instances of Windows 10.   There was a XenServer update (after 6.5SP1) that allowed for the non-preview templates.   But, this template does not appear in CCP.  (Only the Windows 10 Preview)
Will "addGuestOSMapping API" resolve this?  And if so, is there a certain syntax that I should use?

Similarly, there was a XenServer update (again, post 6.5SP1) that updated XenTools.   I believe that this XenServer update was after the release of CCP 4.5.1

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