changestate BSS-API
Found the error:
Just use the PUT method, not the POST
It's wrong in the eDocs.
I'm trying to change a state in cpbm over the bss-api, however, I'm not able to get it working.
Updating an account, or creating a payment works well.
I always receive a '401 (Unauthorized)' error with the root account, and in the /var/log/coud/portal/cpbm-server.log is a AccessDeniedException described...
This Data I'm sending:
URL: http://
POST: _=1412855096472&apiKey=93GiESfjf2sqJcqVIKsNYH14XEBxkZZgbjQZ9ktP7mpPehoDZQZ611NpNTwG2gALTH72rNyydNOwXsNjTL3f6g&memo=test&newstate=ACTIVE&statechangecause=1
Any ideas??
Thanks a lot
Found the error:
Just use the PUT method, not the POST
It's wrong in the eDocs.
Thanks Thomas !!
We will get this corrected.
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