
Radia Support

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Tuncay Donmez

Ms16-142 Deploying Bulletin Problem

Hi guys,

We have some problems installing ms16-142 from radia. The problem is that clients have a message ' PATCH RISK Bulletin MS16-142 - risks have been detected '
NOTE : When we manually installed ms16-142, there is not a problem.

Well, how can we resolve this problem ? Have you any idea ?


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Jamshed Qureshi

Hi Tuncay,
This shows a normal behavior when doing a patch discovery. What error you are seeing during the installation of this bulletin.

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Steve Phillips

Has the bulletin been assigned in policy to the client?

Although risks have detected, the MS16-142 bulletin must be assigned in Radia policy before the patch will be deployed and installed during a patch connect.

If the bulletin is assigned in policy, the client connect log should provide additional detail on what actually occurred and why the patch was not installed.

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