
Radia Support

711 abonnés
Casey Brennan

Applications in Self-Service Manager not showing as installed, even though they are

Has anyone ever seen the catalog not accurately showing applications as installed, even though they are?  We recently upgraded from 10.0 to 10.0 CP1, so there is a new RadUIShell.exe -- could this be the problem?  But not everyone is seeing the problem.  Any comments or experiences are appreciated. We looked at ZAVIS in ASERVICE.xml and it appears the values were reset to YXNX for the installed services.  Very strange. 

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Gowhar Jan

Is there any change in args.xml, is it the same in 10.0 and 10.0 CP1? Change in IDENTIFICATION/UID/STARTDIR parameters can cause this because a new subtree under Agent Lib would be created as a result and all EDMs would be created afresh.

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