
Radia Support

711 abonnés
Scott Gray

[800] [Internal Error] - During Proxy Preload

We have a number of Satellite servers reporting error 800 when performing a proxy preload.

20181029 11:06:10 Info: RPS/Static: synchronizing with radia://RPS_A04SLOAP023@clientmgmt-tier2:3464
20181029 11:06:10 Info: Searching SSL certificate and key files: E:/RCA/ApacheServer/conf/ssl/server.crt, E:/RCA/ApacheServer/conf/ssl/server.key
20181029 11:06:10 Error: SSL certificate and key files - E:/RCA/ApacheServer/conf/ssl/server.crt and E:/RCA/ApacheServer/conf/ssl/server.key - could not be found.
20181029 11:06:10 Info: RPS/Static: dispatching: E:/RCA/ProxyServer/bin/rps/radskman d=1,uid=RPS_A04SLOAP023,ip=clientmgmt-tier2,port=3464,datauri=http://clientmgmt-tier2:3466,preload=E:\RCA\DATA\ProxyServer\static,d=1
20181029 11:09:32 Warning: RPS/Static: sync: Radskman rc:[800] [Internal Error] (CHILDSTATUS 10072 800)

It seems that this is happening when trying to cache the October DISCOVER_PATCH service

ctime    mtime    service_id    product    app_name    catgroup    errornum    event    status    del_time    ver_time    inst_time    fix_time    nvd_domain    nvd_class    jobid    cjobid    downl_time
2014-10-21 10:59:42.000    2018-10-29 11:16:58.000    DISCOVER_PATCH    NULL    Scanning for Patch Vulnerabilities    NULL    800    Update (Preload)    Internal Error    NULL    2018-10-28 03:00:17    2017-08-16 17:34:08    2018-10-28 03:00:17    PATCHMGR    ZSERVICE    MachineConnect    7848:20    NULL

In some cases, we have been able to resolve this by manually syncing the servers (i.e. nvdkit sync-server.tcl -metadata 0 -resources 1)

We are currnetly running the following version:

module nvdkit        build   700.21     20160929 12:50:30 UST
module bin/unzip     version 6.0        20160929 13:16:53 UST
module bin/zip       version 3.0        20160929 13:16:53 UST
module lib/iocpsock  version 3.0        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/itcl      version 3.3        20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/ldap      version 3.4        20160929 13:16:53 UST
module lib/ldaps     version 3.4        20160929 13:16:53 UST
module lib/mk        version    20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/nvdbase   version 3.0        20160929 13:16:52 UST
module lib/nvdkit    version 20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/openldap  version 2.4.23     20160929 13:16:53 UST
module lib/openssl   version 1.0.2j     20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/sqlite3   version 3.6.10     20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/tbcload   version 1.4        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/tcl8.4    version 8.4.13     20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/tclodbc   version 3.0        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/tclx      version 8.4        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/tdom      version 0.8.2      20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/thread    version 2.6.5      20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/tls       version 1.6.7      20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/tnc       version 0.3        20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/trf       version 2.1        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/udp       version 1.1        20160929 13:16:54 UST
module lib/vfs       version 1.3        20160929 13:16:51 UST
module lib/zlib      version 1.2.3      20160929 13:16:53 UST
dmabatch: 8.4.700.21
dcs.tkd build: 150
rps version: 09.21.0000 build 92782

Any ideas or suggestion on what could be causing this behaviour?


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