CloudPortal Business Manager 2.x

Pankaj Paliwal


With regards to the BSS API in CPBM 2.1, can someone please answer the following:

1) Is access to the BSS API only through Authenticated requests, or is there a non-authenticated access (eg port 8096) available like in CloudPlatform?

2) Must every API request include a timestamp, API Key and Signature as a minimum?

3) I am following the CPBM documentation, but I have found a typo so I am not sure if it is correct.

For example I am trying to list/fetch all the accounts in CPBM via the API, so my URL looks like this:

http://<CPBM server IP>:8080/portal/api/accounts?_=1383140723&apikey=1mtfeidtu-h5wdkzfttfc68bv1do3mwft2rehathd2_tfpilzykpw1hjgckk6rp2lxhcu-xhbbvxnt--dpn36g&signature=Pfhd0jtswGSfb5rgND%252Fi8mUOcF0%253D

But I get the following message in my browser:
{"message":"Signature url timed out. Try with new Request ","code":400","args":null}

Is there something obvious wrong/missing with the URL or do you have any suggestions why I am getting the message?

4) Are there any code samples (preferably in Python) that create the required signature?


19 0
Gert Jensen
signing up for a new retail account - error


On the login screen if i click on request new account, the click on either retail or test..
i get this error
Oops! An error has occurred. Please contact technical support at

An unhandled exception occurred on the server

Details of this error below:

Error Reference Number:

see the attached file for the rest..

Kind regads
Gert Jensen

Attached Files

19 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CloudPlatform Integration

CloudPlatform Integration

Hi have installed a test setup of CP 3.0.6 and CPBM 2.0.1.

When trying to add the CP CloudService we have encountered an issue where we get an error of "Service Instance could not be created."

I suspect the issue is with 2 values which are a little unclear to me and don't seem to be explained very thoroughly in the setup documentation - "Cloud Platform domain Uuid" and "API Proxy Suffix".

If anyone can shed any light on what these two values represent and where to derive the right settings, that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you all in advance!

Eric Neumann MEMBERS
19 0
Gert Jensen
Am I going backwards. ?


I have just installed CentOS 6.4 64bit on a Xenserver, this is a clean new install,
i just copied the portal tar file unpacked it and installed it.
this went fine, i can login and click in all the fields..

Now to test i just want to create a new catalog, this i am not able to do!!
I have attached the screen. - LOL

I do not know what to do, when i installed this new VM i deleted the databases and recreated them so they were

I am using the java distribution that the program sugested and installed it self.

What are everybody else running on, and are they using this version ?

Kind regards

Attached Files

13 0
Gert Jensen
Accepting new email, webpage can be found - HELP


I have just reinstalled the server for the 11th time, i have made VERY sure that i have set the parameters correct.

I have Not event set up CloutPlatform Serverices yet.
I have only changed the root password, then i thought i would change smtp address.
so now the system askes me to validate my new mail address..........!!!!!!
i get..... Were sorry, but the page you have requested is not available.

Please tell me somthing good, do i have to wait for somthing scheduled to be done ?

I am using CentOS 6.4 64Bit, is it the operating system there is something wrong with, Which should i use ?

I would like to hear from Citrix, or somebody that have a working installation, because i am clearly not getting CPBM 2.0.0-1 to work. 11 times installed none working.

Please help, is it possible to increase the logging level so it is not only programmers who can read the logs,
can i get more logs, more detail logs, all i see in my log files is error in somthing jave line 22.

Kind regards

12 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPBM 2.0 DB Intergation with CPMAN

CPBM 2.0 DB Intergation with CPMAN


I am evaluating CPBM 2, in earlier versions there was a way to integrate CPMAN DB while configuring CPBM were we provide Cloudstack DB logins, in the latest version I am unable to find that step.

Can you please help me out how to integrate with CPMAN DB? I have done all the configuration except DB integration. My CPBM is up but unable to fecth cloudstack resources.


ksn raju MEMBERS
12 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Can't access after install

Can't access after install

I followed the steps in

And it seems like the installation phase went well, but I can't get to the CloudPortal it seems like the webserver is down.


I also tried to restart 


# service cloud-portal restart 
Stopping cloud-portal:                                                 [  OK  ]
Starting cloud-portal                                                  [  OK  ]



But still I can't get to the portal.

Guy Korland MEMBERS
10 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Windows Desktop Connector Guide

Windows Desktop Connector Guide

Hi, We would like to test the integration of CPBM 2.2 with XenDesktop, from following the instructions, I need to copy a jar fie to the vts3/connectors folder, but I can't find the mentined files.

Here the instructions with the name of the file and the link to the documentation.

  1. Transfer the binaries com.citrix.ssd-<x.x.x>.jar to the location /usr/share/vts3/connectors


Thanks for any help1

Javier Galvez MEMBERS
9 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Cannot create channels

Cannot create channels

Hi all,
I set up a cloud portal 2.0 and I have already integrated it with cloud Stack.
Now, I am trying to create a new channel, but this option in unavailable and it is showing this message:

Channel creation is not allowed. Ensure that the reference price book is activated and at least one product is created.
i have already created one product.
Where can I see if reference price book is activated?
Can anyone help me?

Attached Files

Lucas Vinturini MEMBERS
9 0
Thura Minn minn
Root account locked


I cannot login as Root with correct credentials.
I think the account is locked.
How cloud I unlock the Root account without email.

I have not set mail for Root account yet because of following CPBM2 Known Issue
8.Root cannot set the secondary email from UI.

Thura Minn Minn

9 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPBM 2.1 - BSS API - "No such user found"

CPBM 2.1 - BSS API - "No such user found"

I believe some of you guys have met  or resolved the exception "No such user found" before. Just wish any of you could kindly help me out to review with this case:


1.We have a skey(root user), apikey and a CPBM server running, define the follow variables to generate parameterto get the channels list:


        String urlString = "/channels?_="+getTime()+"&apikey=u-i2sv--W8ItJRikn1eWK77VSmlbfwHvML-wmGyoOtaX06JoHZD3tDKWFff6tCReQhub6JRB9F25EF3qUmjk7g";           
        String sKey = "GGo4Ps7pJsMsqN87bXt1YweGqRdme8LWVBW6J5ymz261VQsl5B4-Ee_HUcTRVVzw3UYvP0hLAH64rgqQleUn9g";
        String BaseURL = "http://< CPBM server IP >/portal/api";


2.Lowercase the parameter string and encrypt and encode it :

    public static String signRequest(String parameterString, String SecretKey) {
        try {
          parameterString = parameterString.toLowerCase();
          Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
          SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(SecretKey.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
          byte[] encryptedBytes = mac.doFinal();
          return URLEncoder.encode(Base64.encode(encryptedBytes), "UTF-8");
        } catch (Exception ex) {          



3.Construct the final URL:



4.The final URL looks like:

http://< CPBM server IP >/portal/api/channels?_=1386234291515&apikey=u-i2sv--W8ItJRikn1eWK77VSmlbfwHvML-wmGyoOtaX06JoHZD3tDKWFff6tCReQhub6JRB9F25EF3qUmjk7g&signature=wpbgSlXGQjpO0MChfS5NB5T9kXA%3D

5.We always got the same output:

{"message":"No such user found","code":400","args":null}


Is there still any mistake?


The eDocs we have following: . Also we attached the source code.






hanhui cai MEMBERS
8 0
Pankaj Paliwal
default user and password for portal

default user and password for portal

Hello everyone (again)

I seem to be going round in circles with Business Manager 2.0

I've finally got the portal to display, but cannot log onto it. Reading this

It implies I need to log onto the portal as user 'root' (although there is no 'ROOT USER' in the top right of the portal login page).
When I try logging in as root with the root password of the CentOS system, it prompts me for a reCAPTA validation, and then says invalid user name or password.

I've also tried the MySQL database user account and password, and that also doesn't work.


Ken Z

8 0
Gert Jensen
Install CloudPortal

Hello I am new to CloudPortal Businessmanager.
Here is what i have done.

Install 6 x CentOS6.4 VMs on a special Xenserver i thought they should be used like.
2 x MySQL 1 master + one slave = works
2 x Cloudportal 3.0.6 master servers = works
2 x Cloud portal business manager 2.0 = problems...

some questions.
should i install CPBM on the same servers as CP ?
If yes, how, i have tryed to installe like it sayes in the manual, but that does not work, then i can not
login the to either CP or CBPM, i was able to login to CP before.
do i have to install CAS ?
do i really need a proxy server, and is it correct understood sthat CP, CPBM use tomcat, and
in the instructions they use apache for the proxy. ?
When i install CPBM and a demo database can i see that on the central mysql server before i start the CPBM ?
i can not see any new databases.

Is the CPBM 2.0 compatible with CP3.0.6 ?

Kind reagards
Gert Jensen

8 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Change Account Type

Change Account Type



is it possible to change the account type on an existing account like from Retail to Corporate? 






Rene Krische MEMBERS
7 0
Timothy Lothering
CPBM 2.1 & CCP 4.2.1 Integration Failing



We are trying to integrate our CPBM 2.1 & CCP 4.2.1 platforms. We are able to "Enable" the  Citrix Cloud Platform IaaS Service, but we are unable to successfully add a service instance.


Configuration we are using when adding the service instance:


Protocol: http

Public Hostname: (Load Balanced VIP of CCP)

Public Port: 8080


JDBC Hostname: (IP Address of the CCP MySQL Database Server)

JDBC Username: Username

JDBC Password: Password


SSO Key: SSO Key obtained from CCP

API Key: API Key obtained from CCP

Secret Key: Secret Key obtained from CCP

Domain UUID: UUID of Sub Domain (CloudDomain) of ROOT


CloudPlatform IP List (admin port): (CCP VIP):8096

CloudPlatform IP List: (CCP VIP):8080

API Proxy Suffix: csapi


After selecting the Products & defining Costs, we then click on the "ADD" button, but we get a red bar in the Service Instance with the following error:


"Unable to connect to the service target. Please check your configuration."


When we investigate the CPBM-SERVER.LOG file, we see the following:


[2013-12-03 13:59:59.370] ERROR catalina-exec-18             com.citrix.cloudstack.client.impl.DefaultCloudServiceImpl         error while checking publicHost, publicPort and protocol 
[2013-12-03 13:59:59.401] ERROR catalina-exec-18             c.c.c.platform.admin.service.impl.ConnectorManagementServiceImpl  Exception in fetching the service Ref.. com.vmops.service.exceptions.CloudServiceException: Unable to connect to the service target. Please check your configuration.


We are at a loss and would appreciate any guidance in this matter.



7 0
Pankaj Paliwal
How to change CPBM root password?

How to change CPBM root password?

We are trialling CPBM and installation went fine. We can login to root account using the default password. However, we get an error page when we tried to navigate to the MyProfile page. Can anyone help me with this?


ps . We can create new Service Provider users and their profile pages work just fine. The problem only happens with the Root account profile.


Much appreciated



6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
How to delete retire product in cpbm2.3

How to delete retire product in cpbm2.3

Dear everyone:

                    Today,I have  retire product the product in cpbm2.3?but when the end user login the cpbm,he can  still find the retire product in the Utility Rates?I want to delete the retire product,who can help me,Thans?

wei sun MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPBM 2.1 : Cannot login after upgrade from 1.4

CPBM 2.1 : Cannot login after upgrade from 1.4

After attempted login, I land on "

We're sorry, but the page you have requested is not available.


tcpdump on the CloudPlatform servers indicate that there is no attempt made from CPBM to contact them, the there is plenty of traffic bw CPBM and mysql servers.


The root login appears to be successful in the log file:


[2014-01-17 14:32:59.619] INFO  catalina-exec-20             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:32:59.724] INFO  catalina-exec-20             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Inside UCI Call...C
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.256] INFO  catalina-exec-20             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.265] INFO  catalina-exec-20             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.600] INFO  catalina-exec-18             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:33:19 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGua
rd analyzing request /portal/portal/splogo
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.629] INFO  catalina-exec-18             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.817] INFO  catalina-exec-1              System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:33:19 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGua
rd analyzing request /portal/portal/isSystemActive
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.869] INFO  catalina-exec-18             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.873] INFO  catalina-exec-18             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.875] INFO  catalina-exec-1              com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.936] INFO  catalina-exec-1              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:19.936] INFO  catalina-exec-1              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
[2014-01-17 14:33:30.781] INFO  catalina-exec-17             com.vmops.web.listeners.AuthenticationSuccessListener             User : root logged in successfully.
[2014-01-17 14:33:30.827] INFO  catalina-exec-17             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 6; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:33:30.837] INFO  catalina-exec-17             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 7; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[..............................W.=2]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:33:30.907] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:33:30 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGua
rd analyzing request /portal/portal/home
[2014-01-17 14:33:30.914] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.146] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.371] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.458] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 6; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.546] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.reports.NewRegistrationReport                           report json data{\"series\":[{\"seriesname\":
\"Retail\",\"color\":\"9cd8e3, 86b6c0\",\"data\":[]},{\"seriesname\":\"Corporate\",\"color\":\"86b6c0, d8d373\",\"data\":[]},{\"seriesname\":\"Trial\",\"color\":\"ade29a, 9
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.569] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Inside UCI Call...C
[2014-01-17 14:33:31.613] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id
: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:01.488] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
enerated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:01.489] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events g
enerated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.155] INFO  catalina-exec-23             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGua
rd analyzing request /portal/portal/health/getHealthStatusForZone.json

[2014-01-17 14:34:02.159] INFO  catalina-exec-25             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/support/homeListTickets
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.180] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/connector/service_instance_list
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.200] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.202] WARN  catalina-exec-23             org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound                      No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/portal/portal/health/getHealthStatusForZone.json] in DispatcherServlet with name 'vmops-portal'
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.202] WARN  catalina-exec-25             org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound                      No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/portal/portal/support/homeListTickets] in DispatcherServlet with name 'vmops-portal'
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.203] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.204] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.206] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.207] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.228] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.232] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.563] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.655] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.660] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.672] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/home/get_home_items
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.674] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.011] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.215] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Inside UCI Call...C
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.250] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.609] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.614] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.614] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.616] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.669] INFO  catalina-exec-16             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:05 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/errors/notfound
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.688] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.999] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.002] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.744] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.745] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root


Also scheduled jobs are failing to run it seems:


[2014-01-17 14:34:02.159] INFO  catalina-exec-25             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/support/homeListTickets
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.180] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/connector/service_instance_list
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.200] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.202] WARN  catalina-exec-23             org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound                      No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/portal/portal/health/getHealthStatusForZone.json] in DispatcherServlet with name 'vmops-portal'
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.202] WARN  catalina-exec-25             org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound                      No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/portal/portal/support/homeListTickets] in DispatcherServlet with name 'vmops-portal'
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.203] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.204] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.206] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.207] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.228] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.232] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.563] INFO  catalina-exec-12             System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.655] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.660] INFO  catalina-exec-12             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.672] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:02 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/home/get_home_items
[2014-01-17 14:34:02.674] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.011] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.215] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Inside UCI Call...C
[2014-01-17 14:34:03.250] INFO  catalina-exec-4              System.out                                                        GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 1; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.609] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.614] INFO  catalina-exec-23             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.614] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.616] INFO  catalina-exec-25             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated   
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.669] INFO  catalina-exec-16             System.out                                                        [Fri Jan 17 14:34:05 EST 2014] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/errors/notfound
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.688] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor                 Before handling the request
[2014-01-17 14:34:05.999] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.002] INFO  catalina-exec-16             com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.744] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
[2014-01-17 14:34:06.745] INFO  catalina-exec-4              com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener                    Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root



Any ideas?

Baybars Tetik MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Company logo in invoice report

Company logo in invoice report


I need to place the logo in the invoice pdf.

If you have any ideas or method please suggest.


Vincent s

Faustina Glory MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Problems with CPBM 2.0 Installation

Problems with CPBM 2.0 Installation

Hi everyone,

I have successfully installed Cloud Platform 3.0.6 and it is working fine. Now, I am trying to get CPBM working, but it behaves weirdly... I have a freshly installed CentOS 6.3 x64, and I am installing CPBM 2.0. I've done everything by this manual ( but when I am trying to access it via web browser I am getting just a blank screen. Restarting the service and rebooting the machine doesn't help. Iptables are disabled, selinux is in permissive mode. I've tried it two times with exactly the same result - no errors in logs, no errors during installation, but when I am accessing http://my_CPBM_name:8080/portal/ - absolutely nothing is displayd in mozilla. Weirdly, IE gives me 404 error...

I am new to Cloud Portal, so I am out of ideas how to make it work... Any help?

Tigran Baluyan MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPBM 2.0 & Cloud Platform 3.0.6 integration

CPBM 2.0 & Cloud Platform 3.0.6 integration


I have successfully integrated CPBM 2.0 with Cloud Platform 3.0.6.

Facing 2 problems now :
When i click on Launch Cloud Console from 'root' it asks me to enter the username and pass for logging into Cloud Platform UI, but it should get logged in directly into Cloud Platform. Am i missing any more config?
I have entered correct SSO, API Key, Secret Key and Parent Domain Id while configuring connector.
As a end user after registering when i try to deploy VM i.e. Click on 'Configure & Subscribe' any bundle, the screen hangs with 'Loading...'

PFA portal logs while Click on 'Launch Console' as root and 'Configure & Subscribe' as customer.

Also let me know if any more info is needed.


Attached Files

Ravi Sawlani MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Problem with user activation

Problem with user activation


I have problem with user activation, i verificate user from email, and login, but anyway i get error that this user is not active.
I added screenshots.

Attached Files

martins eizentals MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Email verification problem

Email verification problem


I have problem with email verification, I don't accept emails from verification. Dunno where im wrong, here is my log and configuration.

# Mail sender (SMTP/SMTPS) configuration #

[2013-04-18 09:42:35.049] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 System.out [Thu Apr 18 09:42:35 UTC 2013] [Info] CsrfGuard analyzing request /portal/portal/users/98bf2689-6ef4-4f1c-b803-e6d90ae45c03/resendverification
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.055] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.web.interceptors.UserContextInterceptor Before handling the request
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.204] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 System.out GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 344; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.204] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 Access is granted
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.232] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 Access is granted
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.234] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.service.impl.UserServiceImpl ###Entering in resendVerificationEmail method.
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.234] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.service.impl.UserServiceImpl ###Resending verification email to user martins1
2013-04-18 09:42:35.235] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.event.listeners.EventListenerJmsProducer Queued event com.vmops.event.VerifyEmailRequest source = User [, firstName=martins, lastName=xxxxxx, username=martins1
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.235] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.internal.service.impl.EventServiceImpl ###### In createEvent
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.236] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.internal.service.impl.EventServiceImpl ###### Out createEvent
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.237] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.service.impl.UserServiceImpl ###Exiting resendVerificationEmail method.
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.258] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 System.out GRANTED due to ACE: AccessControlEntryImpl[id: 344; granting: true; sid: PrincipalSid[root]; permission: BasePermission[...............................R=1]; auditSuccess: true; auditFailure: true]
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.258] DEBUG http-bio-8080-exec-33 Access is granted
[2013-04-18 09:42:35.275] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.web.listeners.RequestHandledListener Request handled: success... flushing events generated , UserName: root
2013-04-18 09:42:35.275] INFO http-bio-8080-exec-33 com.vmops.event.listeners.EventListenerJmsProducer Sending event com.vmops.event.VerifyEmailRequest source = User [, firstName=martins, lastName=xxxxxx, username=martins1

martins eizentals MEMBERS
6 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPSM service after upgrade

CPSM service after upgrade



I have just finnishing the upgraded for CPBM 2.1 to 2.2. Before the upgrade I had the pre-version of CPSM connector enabled. After the upgrade I can still see the old CPMS connector enabled, not the new one? CPBMUI shows the version as 0.0.9 which is the old one? 


Any indeas how can I make the new CPSM connector available?





Mika Övermark MEMBERS
5 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Customization SDK CPBM 2.2

Customization SDK CPBM 2.2



We are trying to customize the UI of CPBM but when we try to compile the changes in maven an error appears because the file POM.xml is not present in the current git repos. 


This config file needs to be created manually or is generated automatically via another tool?.


Thanks for your response,



Leonar Castañeda MEMBERS
5 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CPBM 2.1 - Portal not starting up

CPBM 2.1 - Portal not starting up

Having started the server, CPBM 2.1 is not starting up. The following log extract shows where the error starts. Any idea what is causing this?

[2013-10-24 20:02:34.244] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0005I Started bundle 'vmops.admin' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:36.533] WARN deployer-recovery org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy Unable to proxy method [public final java.lang.String,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.String,java.util.Locale)] because it is final: All calls to this method via a proxy will be routed directly to the proxy.
[2013-10-24 20:02:36.534] WARN deployer-recovery org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy Unable to proxy method [public final java.lang.String,java.lang.Object[],java.util.Locale) throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException] because it is final: All calls to this method via a proxy will be routed directly to the proxy.
[2013-10-24 20:02:36.534] WARN deployer-recovery org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy Unable to proxy method [public final java.lang.String,java.util.Locale) throws org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException] because it is final: All calls to this method via a proxy will be routed directly to the proxy.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.038] WARN deployer-recovery org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy Unable to proxy method [public final void com.vmops.event.listeners.EventListenerJmsProducer.setJmsTemplate(org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate)] because it is final: All calls to this method via a proxy will be routed directly to the proxy.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.039] WARN deployer-recovery org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy Unable to proxy method [public final void com.vmops.event.listeners.EventListenerJmsProducer.setDestinationqueue(java.lang.String)] because it is final: All calls to this method via a proxy will be routed directly to the proxy.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.562] ERROR deployer-recovery org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.core.internal.BundleStartTracker Recording application context construction failure 'org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'schedulerFactoryBean' defined in URL [bundleentry://139.fwk2063246672/META-INF/spring/applicationContext-scheduler.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't retrieve trigger: Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from the server was 26,044 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 125 milliseconds ago. [See nested exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from the server was 26,044 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 125 milliseconds ago.]' for bundle 'citrix.cpbm.custom.common_2.1.0 [139]'
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.564] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0010I Stopping plan 'com.citrix.cpbm.plan' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.566] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0010I Stopping configuration 'cloud' version '0.0.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.573] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0011I Stopped configuration 'cloud' version '0.0.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.575] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0010I Stopping bundle 'citrix.cpbm.model' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.579] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0011I Stopped bundle 'citrix.cpbm.model' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.587] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0010I Stopping bundle 'citrix.cpbm.service' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.590] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0011I Stopped bundle 'citrix.cpbm.service' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.600] INFO start-signalling-2 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0010I Stopping bundle 'vmops.core' version '2.1.0'.
[2013-10-24 20:02:37.681] ERROR deployer-recovery org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default AG0000E Application context creation failure for bundle 'citrix.cpbm.custom.common' version '2.1.0'. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'schedulerFactoryBean' defined in URL [bundleentry://139.fwk2063246672/META-INF/spring/applicationContext-scheduler.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't retrieve trigger: Communications link failure

5 0
yesid Mora
Sync Channels With Price Catalog

Hello, I have a many Channels with different price, and in the general catalog have other price the products and products bundle, is possible sync channels with the price in catalog.


4 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Subscription Activation User Notification

Subscription Activation User Notification



i got a problem with the Email Notifications. When i register a new account, everything seems to work. I recive the Welcome Mail, the user activation mail, the Launch notification mail and many more. But when i buy a subscription/ bundle there comes no mail.


Does anybody know how can i fix this?





Rene Krische MEMBERS
4 0
Pankaj Paliwal
New Accounttypes - payment_mode

New Accounttypes - payment_mode



we have tried to add new Accounttypes in CPBM. Is there anywhere an extendet discription for every option?


I´ll need it for following Points:


- instantpay_required

- autopay_required

- extend_credit

- notional_billing

- deposit_required




payment_modes (i´ve found only in the eDocs, that 2 is for Credit Card Payment)


Thanks a lot

Rene Krische MEMBERS
4 0
yesid Mora
Table ACTIVEMQ_LOCK DB cloud_portalmq

Hello, I have a Problem with table ACTIVEMQ_LOCK, because not possible create a dump for the database cloud_portalmq, but i stop the service for Cloud-Portal the database not have problem, additionally when the service is running not possible access a information or see the data in this table, please helpme, because not possible generate backups of database

4 0

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