Adding A New Managed Server
- Make sure that you have followed Preparing Managed Servers.
- Select a server pool in the left Navigation pane, then select Add Server.
- For example, select KVM-Pool, then right-click to display the context menu

- Select the virtualization platform, then click OK. For example, select KVM and then click OK.

- Type the host name or IP address of the server, and a user name and password for account with permission to access the managed server, then click OK. For example

- If the connection is successful, the managed server is added to the Convirt console.

- For KVM and Xen platforms, if your hosts already have existing VMs, you will be prompted to import them. Select the virtual machine configuration files and press OK to kick-off the import of existing virtual machines.

NOTE: If you're using libvirt, you may need convert your libvirt configuration files to ConVirt format to make this process work.
tar -xvf converter.tar
./batch_convert -h
- e.g.
./batch_convert directory_containing_libvirt_generated_xml_files
- This will create a .cfg file for each xml file found in the directory.
- Go to the CMS, select the managed host, and select "Import Virtual Machine Config File(s)" option. Select the converted files and import them.
- ConVirt will launch a task to import the VMs, and they will begin to show up in the CMS as each is imported.
- For more information, you can find more detailed information/discussion at the following link:
- Now you can now create and manage the complete life cycle of virtual machines on this managed server.