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Upgrade Guide

This document describes upgrading ConVirt installations to ConVirt Enterprise.


1.1 Overview

The ConVirt allows in-place upgrade of you management infrastructure. This does not involve shutting down your virtual machines and other components. Only management features would be not available during the upgrade.

Here are broad steps.

  • Download latest version of ConVirt Enterprise software.
  • Shutdown ConVirt Management Server (CMS)
  • Backup your current environment.
    • Backup code
    • Bakcup ConVirt repository
    • Backup ConVirt configuration
  • Upgrade Code
  • Upgrade ConVirt repository
  • Upgrade Data
  • Upgrade ConVirt configuration
  • Miscellaneous
  • Start CMS
  • Login and refresh the browser

1.2 Upgrading to latest 3.x version of ConVirt

Use this method to upgrade to latest version of ConVirt.

This can also be used by customer upgrading from 2.x version to latest 3.x version once the following prerequisites are met.
For you to be able to upgrade from 2.x to 3.x version, you need to have purchased 3.x license from our sales team. Only following upgrade paths are available for upgrading from 2.x to 3.x. If you are on one of the older version of the 2.x produce, please upgrade it to the required version. Depending on the size of the environment, the upgrade might take few hours, so please plan accordingly. The upgrade does not involve shutting down your virtual machines and other components. Only management features would be not available during the upgrade.

If you are upgrading 2.x version to another 2.x version, use one of the other sections to do multi-step upgrade.

  • Initialize Variable
 export DT_TIME=`date +"%d-%b-%Y_%H_%M"`
 export FROM_VER=<fill this out properly, It is displayed near the Convirture logo on top left. Just use the trailing version numbers e.g. 3.3.9 >
 export TO_VER=<fill this out properly, It is part of the tarball name you are trying to install>
 export CONVIRT_BASE=~
 export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
 export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_DIR/tg2env
 export DT_TIME=`date +"%d-%b-%Y_%H_%M"`

  • Download latest version of ConVirt
 mkdir -p ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}
# Download the latest tarball. (Version 3.3.1 or later) # untar the tarball. tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-${TO_VER}-*.tar.gz
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop
  • Backup code
 mkdir -p ${BACKUP_DIR}
  • Backup repository

The ConVirt repository is a mysql database. The default name of the database is convirt_ee. In case you have changed the name from default, you can find the name of the database in src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini. Look for sqlalchemy.url entry. The format of this entry is as follows:


Backup Command :

 mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
 e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt_ee  > ${BACKUP_DIR}/"convirt_ee_${DT_TIME}.sql"
 NOTE : You will be prompted for password.
  • Backup configuration
 cp ${CONVIRT_DIR}/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini ${CONVIRT_DIR}/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working
 cp ${CONVIRT_DIR}/license.txt ${CONVIRT_DIR}/license.txt.working
  • Check if you have convirt-enterprise/upgrade/VERSION.TXT

If you see one, proceed to next step. i.e. Upgrade the code, otherwise

Extract only upgrade/create_version.pyc from the recently downloaded convirt-enterprise-<version>.tar.gz in to convirt-enterprise/upgrade directory.

   tar -xvf ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/convirt-enterprise-${TO_VER}.tar.gz convirt-enterprise/upgrade/create_version.pyc

Run create_version.pyc from the upgrade directory

   cd upgrade; python ./create_version.pyc

Check the newly create convirt-enterprise/upgrade/VERSION.TXT Verify version info for all components is that of current version i.e. ${FROM_VER}.

  • Upgrade the code
tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_DIR/convirt-enterprise-${TO_VER}.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_BASE
# Save default configuration file from new version.
cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
# Restore working copy of license and configuration.
cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt
NOTE : For users upgrading from 2.x to 3.x copy the new license file given by Support. 
  • Install dependencies

(You can skip this section, if you are already on 3.2.1 and higher i.e ${FROM_VER} >= 3.2.1 )

 source $TG_ROOT/bin/activate
 easy_install boto
 easy_install netaddr
 easy_install suds
 easy_install PyYAML 
##Create dir .psphere mkdir -p ~/.psphere

Create a new file ~/.psphere/config.yaml with the following content

        template_dir: ~/.psphere/templates/
        destination: ~/.psphere/psphere.log
        level: WARN # DEBUG, INFO, etc
  • Tweak MySQL

Starting version 3.3.5, ConVirt needs the following added to the mysql configuration file, typically /etc/my.cnf NOTE: You will need root or sudo access to make these changes.

  • Stop mysql server
   sudo service mysql stop or /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  • Add following line to /etc/mysql/my.cnf in [mysqld] section. !!IMPORTANT!! This entry must be in [mysqld] section
   transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
  • Start mysql server
   sudo service mysql start or /etc/init.d/mysql start

  • Run the upgrade script
source ${TG_ROOT}/bin/activate
cd ${CONVIRT_DIR}/upgrade
python upgrade.pyc <dbtype> <dbname> <dbuser> <dbpassword>
Example: python upgrade.pyc mysql convirt_ee root convirt
 After the upgrade, VERSION.TXT should have the version that you upgraded to ($TO_VER)  for all components.
 Bug: Upgrading to version 3.3.2 leaves DATA_VERSION to 3.3.1 (This is known issue and can be ignored.)

  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start

  • Refresh Browser
 Launch new browser.
 Login and Refresh the browser. (shift+F5, shift+ refresh)
 This is required so new versions of javascripts gets loaded
 Refresh once on the Login page, you should see the latest ConVirt version.
 Once you login, then you will have to Refresh again, this will refresh the javascripts and the header 
 to show the latest version.
  • Recovery in case of an error.
 Recover Code
 mv ${CONVIRT_DIR} ${CONVIRT_DIR}.upgrade_failed
 cp -r ${BACKUP_DIR}/convirt-enterprise ${CONVIRT_BASE}
 Recover Repository
 a. Rename the database convirt_ee if you have space.
    rename database convirt_ee convirt_ee_upgrade_failed
 b. create an empty database named convirt_ee 
    create database convirt_ee
 c. Restore it from backup
    mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < ${BACKUP_DIR}/"convirt_ee_${DT_TIME}.sql"    ## sql file created in "Backup Repository" step.
 File a support ticket with Convirture Support

1.3 Upgrading from 2.x to another 2.x version

1.3.1 Example 2.0 to

  • Initialize variables
 export FROM_VER=2.0
 export TO_VER=
 export CONVIRT_BASE=~
 export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
 export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_DIR/tg2env

 NOTE Assumption is made that current version of ConVirt is in the home directory. If your deployment is different, please adjust CONVIRT_BASE
  • Download latest version of ConVirt
# If any old version move it out. mkdir -p save mv * save
# untar the tarball. tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER-*.tar.gz
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop
  • Backup code
 mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
 cp -r ~/convirt-enterprise $BACKUP_DIR
  • Backup repository
 mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <passwd> <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
 e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt_ee  > "convirt_ee_$FROM_VER`date`.sql"
  • Backup configuration
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working
  • Upgrade code
Untar the NEW version of convirt-enterprise over the existing directory. From parent directory of convirt-enterprise,
 tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_DIR/convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_BASE
  • Upgrade ConVirt Repository
 Use the upgrade script provided to upgrade the ConVirt repository.
 Usage : upgrade_repository 2.0-2.0.1 mysql <dbname> <dbuser> <dbpasswd> 
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade ./ 2.0-2.0.1 mysql convirt_ee root convirt (Skip this step if you are already at 2.0.1) ./ 2.0.1- mysql convirt_ee root convirt

  • Updating ConVirt configuration.
 # Save default configuration file from new version.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
 # Restore working copy.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt
 # Upgrade configuration
 cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade
 ./ 2.0-2.0.1  (Skip this step if you are already at 2.0.1)
 ./ 2.0.1-

  • Upgrade Data
 No seed data or Data transformation required for this release.
  • Miscellaneous
ConVirt allows for simultaneous migration in to the same KVM managed server. For this you need to open 8002-8012 TCP ports on EACH managed server. Please consult your platform documentation for exact instructions.
  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Refresh Browser
 Launch new browser.
 Login and Refresh the browser. (shift+F5, shift+ refresh)
 This is required so new versions of javascripts gets loaded
 Refresh once on the Login page, you should see the latest ConVirt version.
 Once you login, then you will have to Refresh again, this will refresh the javascripts and the header 
 to show the latest version.
  • Recovery in case of an error.
 Recover Code
 mv $CONVIRT_DIR $CONVIRT_DIR.upgrade_failed
 cp -r BACKUP_DIR/convirt-enterprise $CONVIRT_BASE
  Recover Repository
a. Drop the database convirt_ee 
   drop database convirt_ee
b. create an empty database named convirt_ee 
   create database convirt_ee
c. Restore it from backup
   mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < (sql file created in "Backup Repository" step)   
 File a support ticket with Convirture Support

1.3.2 Example to 2.0.2

  • Initialize variables
 export FROM_VER=
 export TO_VER=2.0.2
 export CONVIRT_BASE=~
 export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
 export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_DIR/tg2env
 NOTE Assumption is made that current version of ConVirt is in the home directory. If your deployment is different, please adjust CONVIRT_BASE
  • Download latest version of ConVirt
# If any old version move it out. mkdir -p save mv * save
# untar the tarball. tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER-*.tar.gz
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop
  • Backup code
 mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
 cp -r ~/convirt-enterprise $BACKUP_DIR
  • Backup repository
 mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <passwd> <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
 e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt_ee  > "convirt_ee_$FROM_VER`date`.sql"
  • Backup configuration
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working
  • Upgrade code
Untar the NEW version of convirt-enterprise over the existing directory. From parent directory of convirt-enterprise,
 tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_DIR/convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_BASE
  • Upgrade ConVirt Repository
 Use the upgrade script provided to upgrade the ConVirt repository.
 Usage : upgrade_repository mysql <dbname> <dbuser> <dbpasswd> 
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade ./ mysql convirt_ee root convirt

  • Updating ConVirt configuration.
 # Save default configuration file from new version.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
 # Restore working copy.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt
 # Upgrade configuration
 cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade

  • Upgrade Data
 This step will add seed data for new features as well as upgrade data if required.
 source $TG_ROOT/bin/activate
 paster setup-app src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
  • Miscellaneous
 No Miscellaneous changes
  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Refresh Browser
 Launch new browser.
 Login and Refresh the browser. (shift+F5, shift+ refresh)
 This is required so new versions of javascripts gets loaded
 Refresh once on the Login page, you should see the latest ConVirt version.
 Once you login, then you will have to Refresh again, this will refresh the javascripts and the header 
 to show the latest version.
  • Recovery in case of an error.
 Recover Code
 mv $CONVIRT_DIR $CONVIRT_DIR.upgrade_failed
 cp -r BACKUP_DIR/convirt-enterprise $CONVIRT_BASE
  Recover Repository
a. Drop the database convirt_ee 
   drop database convirt_ee
b. create an empty database named convirt_ee 
   create database convirt_ee
c. Restore it from backup
   mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < (sql file created in "Backup Repository" step)   
 File a support ticket with Convirture Support

1.3.3 Example 2.0.2 to 2.1

  • Initialize variables
 export FROM_VER=2.0.2
 export TO_VER=2.1
 export CONVIRT_BASE=~
 export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
 export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_DIR/tg2env
 NOTE Assumption is made that current version of ConVirt is in the home directory. If your deployment is different, please adjust CONVIRT_BASE
  • Download latest version of ConVirt
# If any old version move it out. mkdir -p save mv * save
# untar the tarball. tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER-*.tar.gz
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop
  • Backup code
 mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
 cp -r ~/convirt-enterprise $BACKUP_DIR
  • Backup repository
 mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <passwd> <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
 e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt_ee  > "convirt_ee_$FROM_VER`date`.sql"
  • Backup configuration
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working
  • Upgrade code
Untar the NEW version of convirt-enterprise over the existing directory. From parent directory of convirt-enterprise,
 tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_DIR/convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_BASE
  • Upgrade ConVirt Repository
 Use the upgrade script provided to upgrade the ConVirt repository.
 Usage : upgrade_repository 2.0.2-2.1 mysql <dbname> <dbuser> <dbpasswd> 
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade ./ 2.0.2-2.1 mysql convirt_ee root convirt

  • Updating ConVirt configuration.
 # Save default configuration file from new version.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
 # Restore working copy.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt
 # Upgrade configuration
 This step not required for this upgrade
  • Upgrade Data
 Not applicable for this upgrade.

  • Miscellaneous
 No Miscellaneous changes
  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Refresh Browser
 Launch new browser.
 Login and Refresh the browser. (shift+F5, shift+ refresh)
 This is required so new versions of javascripts gets loaded
 Refresh once on the Login page, you should see the latest ConVirt version.
 Once you login, then you will have to Refresh again, this will refresh the javascripts and the header 
 to show the latest version.
  • Recovery in case of an error.
 Recover Code
 mv $CONVIRT_DIR $CONVIRT_DIR.upgrade_failed
 cp -r BACKUP_DIR/convirt-enterprise $CONVIRT_BASE
  Recover Repository
a. Drop the database convirt_ee 
   drop database convirt_ee
b. create an empty database named convirt_ee 
   create database convirt_ee
c. Restore it from backup
   mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < (sql file created in "Backup Repository" step)   
 File a support ticket with Convirture Support

1.3.4 Example 2.1 to 2.1.1

  • Initialize variables
 export FROM_VER=2.1
 export TO_VER=2.1.1
 export CONVIRT_BASE=~
 export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
 export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_DIR/tg2env
 NOTE Assumption is made that current version of ConVirt is in the home directory. If your deployment is different, please adjust CONVIRT_BASE
  • Download latest version of ConVirt
# If any old version move it out. mkdir -p save mv * save
# untar the tarball. tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER-*.tar.gz
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop
  • Backup code
 mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
 cp -r ~/convirt-enterprise $BACKUP_DIR
  • Backup repository
 mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <passwd> <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
 e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt_ee  > "convirt_ee_$FROM_VER`date`.sql"
  • Backup configuration
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working
  • Upgrade code
Untar the NEW version of convirt-enterprise over the existing directory. From parent directory of convirt-enterprise,
 tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_DIR/convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_BASE
  • Upgrade ConVirt Repository
 Use the upgrade script provided to upgrade the ConVirt repository.
 Usage : upgrade_repository 2.1-2.1.1 mysql <dbname> <dbuser> <dbpasswd> 
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade ./ 2.1-2.1.1 mysql convirt_ee root convirt

  • Updating ConVirt configuration.
 # Save default configuration file from new version.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
 # Restore working copy.
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
 cp $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt.working $CONVIRT_DIR/license.txt
 # Upgrade configuration
 This step not required for this upgrade
  • Upgrade Data
 Not applicable for this upgrade.

  • Miscellaneous
 No Miscellaneous changes
  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Refresh Browser
 Launch new browser.
 Login and Refresh the browser. (shift+F5, shift+ refresh)
 This is required so new versions of javascripts gets loaded
 Refresh once on the Login page, you should see the latest ConVirt version.
 Once you login, then you will have to Refresh again, this will refresh the javascripts and the header 
 to show the latest version.
  • Recovery in case of an error.
 Recover Code
 mv $CONVIRT_DIR $CONVIRT_DIR.upgrade_failed
 cp -r BACKUP_DIR/convirt-enterprise $CONVIRT_BASE
 Recover Repository
 a. Drop the database convirt_ee
 b. Restore it from backup
    mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < (sql file created in "Backup Repository" step)   
 File a support ticket with Convirture Support

1.4 Upgrading from ConVirt Open Source

This section describes how you can upgrade from an existing ConVirt open source installation to ConVirt Enterprise installation.

1.4.1 Prerequisites

You have upgraded ConVirt Open Source deployment to ConVirt 2.0.1 or higher. Please refer to Open Source Upgrade Guide

1.4.2 Overview

  • Download latest version of ConVirt Enterprise software.
  • Shutdown ConVirt Management Server (CMS)
  • Backup your current environment.
    • Backup code
    • Bakcup ConVirt repository
    • Backup ConVirt configuration
  • Upgrade Code
  • Upgrade ConVirt repository
  • Upgrade ConVirt configuration
  • Upgrade Data
  • Miscellaneous
  • Start CMS
  • Login and refresh the browser

1.4.3 Example

  • Initialize variables
export FROM_VER=2.0.1
export TO_VER=
export CONVIRT_DIR=$CONVIRT_BASE/convirt-enterprise
#sets the tg2env location
export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_BASE/tg2env
# if tg2env is inside convirt directory change the TG_ROOT value
export TG_ROOT=$CONVIRT_CE_DIR/tg2env

  • Shutdown CMS
./convirt-ctl stop

  • Backup code
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
  • Backup repository
mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p <passwd> <dbname>  >  <dbname_date>.sql
e.g. mysqldump -u root –p convirt  > "convirt_$FROM_VER`date`.sql"

  • Backup configuration
cp $CONVIRT_CE_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_CE_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working

  • Download and unpack the latest ConVirt enterprise software.
 Download the purchased software provided by Convirture.
 tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER*.tar.gz
 tar -xzf convirt-enterprise-$TO_VER.tar.gz -C $CONVIRT_DIR 
  • Upgrade ConVirt Repository
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade
./  ce${FROM_VER}-ee${TO_VER} mysql convirt root convirt

  • Updating ConVirt configuration.
# Save default configuration file from new version.
cp $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.$TO_VER.default
# Restore working copy.
cp $CONVIRT_CE_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini.working $CONVIRT_DIR/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
# Upgrade configuration
cd $CONVIRT_DIR/upgrade
./ ce${FROM_VER}-ee${TO_VER}
  • Change the application path (Adjust for 64 bit platform and python version)
     Edit $TG_ROOT/lib(64)/python(2.6)/site-packages/easy-install.pth
     Change "/home/<user>/convirt/src/convirt/web/convirt" line to "/home/<user>/convirt-enterprise/src/convirt/web/convirt"

  • Upgrade Data
 This step will add seed data for new features as well as upgrade data if required.
     source $TG_ROOT/bin/activate
     cd $CONVIRT_DIR
     paster setup-app src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini
  • Start CMS
 ./convirt-ctl start 
  • Shutdown CMS
 ./convirt-ctl stop

  • Recovery in case of an error.
Recover Code
mv $CONVIRT_DIR $CONVIRT_DIR.upgrade_failed
 Recover Repository
a. Drop the database convirt_ee 
   drop database convirt_ee
b. create an empty database named convirt_ee 
   create database convirt_ee
c. Restore it from backup
   mysql -u root -p convirt_ee  < (sql file created in "Backup Repository" step)   
Recover the application path
       Edit $TG_ROOT/lib(64)/python(2.6)/site-packages/easy-install.pth
       Change "/home/<user>/convirt-enterprise/src/convirt/web/convirt" line to "/home/<user>/convirt/src/convirt/web/convirt"
