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Download and run ConVirt Appliance

OSS Deployment.jpg

Using Appliance with VMWare

  • Download the OVA appliance here.
  • Import it in to VMWare Client or vCenter client using standard import appliance option.
  • Connect to virtual machine Console
  • Login as cms user with convirt as password. It is recommended to change the password.
  • Change the directory to convirt and start CMS
 cd ~/convirt
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Run the ifconfig eth0 command to find the IP assigned to it. For example,
 sudo ifconfig eth0
  • Start Firefox browser on other machine on the network and type in the url. http://ip-address:8081, The default credentials are admin/admin

Using Appliance with Xen

You can use this approach if you have a high speed internet connection and an already running Xen virtualization environment

Prerequsites :

  • Xen virtualization enabled Server
  • Good internet connection to download large virtual appliance image.
  • 10 GB of hard disk space.
  • VT enabled hardware to run HVM image.

Procedure :

  • Download the appliance disk image here.
  • Unpackage it.
 tar -xvf ConVirt-OSS-2.5.ova
  • This will have a .vmdk file. Convert the file to RAW format using qemu-img utility.
qemu-img convert -f vmdk ConVirt-OSS-2.5-disk1.vmdk -O raw  c2_appliance.disk.xm
  • Get the appliance xen config file from here.
* Change the path in the disk parameter.
* Change the bridge name in the vif entry
  • Start the appliance using the config file name.
xm create convirt_appliance 
  • get the vnc port using the following command. Use xm list to get the DOMID of the appliance.
xenstore-read /local/domain/DOMID/console/vnc-port
  • connect to the appliance using vncviewer and port obtained from previous command.
vncviewer :PORT_NO
  • Login as cms user with convirt as password. It is recommended to change the password.
  • Change the directory to convirt and start CMS
 cd ~/convirt
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Run the ifconfig eth0 command to find the IP assigned to it. For example,
 sudo ifconfig eth0
  • Start Firefox browser on other machine on the network and type in the url. http://ip-address:8081, The default credentials are admin/admin

Using Appliance with KVM

You can use this approach if you have a high speed internet connection and an already running KVM virtualization environment

Prerequsites :

  • KVM virtualization enabled Server
  • Good internet connection to download large virtual appliance image.
  • 10 GB of hard disk space.
  • VT enabled hardware to run HVM image.

Procedure :

  • Download the OVA appliance here
  • Unpackage the OVA applianceit.
 tar -xvf ConVirt-OSS-2.5.ova
  • This will have a .vmdk file. Convert the file to RAW format using qemu-img utility.
qemu-img convert -f vmdk ConVirt-OSS-2.5-disk1.vmdk -O raw  c2_appliance.disk.xm

  • Start the appliance using the following command.(Change the path to the location where you created the c2_appliance.disk.xm disk)
 qemu-system-x86_64 -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/c2_appliance.disk.xm" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0" -std-vga "" -boot "c" -m "512" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8081 -daemonize
/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/c2_appliance.disk.xm" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0"  -boot "c" -m "512" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8081 -daemonize
  • Connect using vncviewer. In the above command port :25 is used.
 vncviewer :25 
  • Login as cms user with convirt as password. It is recommended to change the password.
  • Change the directory to convirt and start CMS
 cd ~/convirt
 ./convirt-ctl start
  • Run the ifconfig eth0 command to find the IP assigned to it. For example,
 sudo ifconfig eth0
  • Start Firefox browser on other machine on the network and type in the url. http://ip-address:8081, The default credentials are admin/admin

Continue with Preparing Managed servers

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