Accelerite Content Network To Replace HP Live Networks
This announcement is relevant to customers currently using HP Live Networks to receive content into Radia CA Versions 8.1 & Later.
At Accelerite, it is our constant endeavor to provide the best of capabilities to our customers. To that end, we have made an important change in the way Radia acquires and distributes security and other critical content updates to managed endpoints.
Effective April 30 2015, we are moving from using HP Live Network to Accelerite Content Network to distribute this content.
What do I need to do?
Not much. Just hook your Radia installation onto our new backend, this procedure varies slightly depending on the features and content you currently use. We have taken care of migrating most of the key steps involved at the Radia backend.
CONTENT TYPE: Security & Compliance modules – Vulnerability, Compliance, Security Tools and Settings Management (AMP/EMF):
Follow these steps:
- Please download the HPLN Migration to Accelerite Content Network Hotfix based on your Radia version by accessing the download link using your Accelerite support login credentials.
HP Infra Migration Hotfixes Link
- Alternatively, you can write to with the email subject as – “Require Security and Compliance HOTFIX” to get the hotfix. Ensure you request the new credentials that will allow Radia to communicate with Accelerite Content Network.
- Install the hotfix.
- Go to your Radia Core Console portal and enter your new Accelerite Content Network credentials obtained in step 2 in the Infrastructure Management à Content Network screen under the Configuration tab.
Completing the above steps will enable you to acquire the security & compliance content updates through Radia and distribute them to your managed endpoints.
Accelerite will use its support portal for announcements. You can access the support portal at:
Why was this change made?
This is part of a planned transition from using HP Live Network to using the Accelerite Content Network. This change will help us to provide better responsiveness and improve performance in serving off-cycle content. Accelerite will have better control over the update environment, and be able to provide even better service to you.
Is this optional, and can I skip this change? What impact will that have?
This is NOT an optional changeover. HP will discontinue the use of HP Live Network for Radia users from APRIL 30, 2015. Hence we recommend that you acquire and apply the above hotfix in your Radia environment as early as possible to be able to continue receiving content updates for your endpoints. Not accessing the link will result in you losing out on new and critical security content updates for the endpoints you manage, leaving them open to potential threats and vulnerabilities.
Will this cause any interruptions?
This will NOT cause any interruptions with your regular work, and will enable you to continue receiving content updates from Accelerite Content Network going forward.
How does this affect my Radia licensing and access to paid updates?
This change has NO effect on your Radia licensing, and will NOT affect your current access to the paid content in any way. If you have access to paid content, you will continue to receive paid content from Accelerite.
Where can I find the user documentation guide?
You can access the updated guide with the below link using your Accelerite support login credentials.
Where can I get more information?
We would be glad to answer any of your questions. Just drop us a line at, and we’ll be sure to respond with an answer or pick up the phone and talk to you.