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How Tos

This is a collections of "HOWTO's" useful for spot learning.



Q. How do I specify a storage location that can be used by all provisioning operations that occur in a Server Pool ?

A. ConVirt allows you to set a bunch of information associated with a Server Pool. This information takes precedence at the time of provisioning an new VM in the Server Pool. For using this feature to specify the central store,

  • Select the Server Pool
  • Right mouse click to get to the context menu
  • Select Settings...
  • Enter VM_DISKS_DIR as name and /mnt/shared/class_a_storage as the value.

From now on, when you provision the image on to this Server Pool, the disks for the VM would get created at /mnt/shared/class_a_storage location.

Q. I want to use LVMs as disks for my VMs. How do I create new LVM partitions when I provision new VMs ?

A. With ConVirt, it is easy to use LVM partitions for the providing storage for new VMs. Lets take the Linux_CD_install image that ships with ConVirt and tweak it to use LVMs instead of file based storage.

  • Click on Linux_CD_install image and choose Edit Settings.
  • Select the disk and click on the Properties.
    • A new dialog with disk details would show up, change the type from file/VBD to phy.
    • Press ok to save the information
  • Now switch to the Provisioning tab
    • change hda_disk_type from VBD to LVM
    • change VM_DISKS_DIR to point to the Volume group from which the new logical volumes would get created. For example : /dev/MY_VG
    • Press ok to save the changes
  • Select the image and provision it as you would normally, with the name say "debian_test"
    • you should see the debian_test.disk.xm logical volume created under /dev/MY_VG
    • Your debian_test vm is now set up to use the newly created /dev/MY_VG/debian_test.disk.xm volume.

Q. How do I use iSCSI and AOE with ConVirt?


For Ubuntu 8.10 (and maybe other distributives)

If there would be problems with ISCSI check that ISCSI is properly configured:

sudo iscsiadm -m discovery now substitute ISCSI-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS with IP address from above command: sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p ISCSI-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS sudo /etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart


Q. How do I send and email to a particular address when a provisioning operations is done ?


