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Hi Rene,
For any account only the account owner or the billing admin can request for account type change.
is it possible to change the account type on an existing account like from Retail to Corporate?
Hi Rene,
For any account only the account owner or the billing admin can request for account type change.
Hello René,
In recebt versions the allowed_convertions table ius already updated with the possible conversions. If you login as master user and go to company setup, there will be a link for "Request Account Type Conversion" under General tab.
Let me know if this helps.
Hi Abhisek,
thanks for the fast answer!
I've tried to change it this way but i ain't got this link. Do i have to activate it, when I use customized account types?
Hi Rene,
Can check if you have any entry in the table "cloud_portal.allowed_conversions" with source account type as "Prepaid Account" ?
You will see the link "Request Account Type Conversion" under General tab only if the current account type of the account is allowed to be converted into some other account type.
Hi Manish,
thanks for your reply. I´ve checked the table and i got this output:
mysql> select * from allowed_conversions \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
source_account_type_id: 5
target_account_type_id: 3
version: 0
*************************** 2. row ***************************
id: 2
source_account_type_id: 5
target_account_type_id: 4
version: 0
*************************** 3. row ***************************
id: 3
source_account_type_id: 3
target_account_type_id: 4
version: 0
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Can i simply add new ID's for the other accounts or how can i set a conversion option for the new accounts?
Hi Rene,
Do the following:
1. Check the id of the account type "Prepaid Account".
mysql> select id from account_types where display_name = 'Prepaid Account'; -- correct the value if it is not correct
2. Check if already there is any entry for the above id in the allowed_conversions table
mysql> select * from allowed_conversions where source_account_type_id= '<id obtained in step 1>';
If there is no entry found then create one with intended values of source_account_type_id and target_account_type_id. Please note that both of these ids are "id" from account_types table.
Hi Manish,
thank you now it works! Is there a possibility that the user who wants to change the account type needs a permission? So that we can control the changes between the Accounttypes?
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