With regards to the BSS API in CPBM 2.1, can someone please answer the following:
1) Is access to the BSS API only through Authenticated requests, or is there a non-authenticated access (eg port 8096) available like in CloudPlatform?
2) Must every API request include a timestamp, API Key and Signature as a minimum?
3) I am following the CPBM documentation, but I have found a typo so I am not sure if it is correct.
For example I am trying to list/fetch all the accounts in CPBM via the API, so my URL looks like this:
http://<CPBM server IP>:8080/portal/api/accounts?_=1383140723&apikey=1mtfeidtu-h5wdkzfttfc68bv1do3mwft2rehathd2_tfpilzykpw1hjgckk6rp2lxhcu-xhbbvxnt--dpn36g&signature=Pfhd0jtswGSfb5rgND%252Fi8mUOcF0%253D
But I get the following message in my browser:
{"message":"Signature url timed out. Try with new Request ","code":400","args":null}
Is there something obvious wrong/missing with the URL or do you have any suggestions why I am getting the message?
4) Are there any code samples (preferably in Python) that create the required signature?