Accelerite Support Priority Definitions
This article briefly defines the Accelerite Support case priority meanings for 'Urgent', 'High', 'Normal' & 'Low' priority cases. The Accelerite Foundation Support Datasheet is the reference for this information and is also the governing document.
Severity level 1—Urgent: production system is down—The Accelerite product is unusable, resulting in a total disruption of work or other critical impact on operations. No workaround is available. Newly received cases will be assessed through discussions with the customer to confirm that they fulfill the criteria, and may be downgraded in priority if they do not.
Severity level 2—High: major feature/function failure—Operations are severely restricted. A workaround is available.
Severity level 3—Normal: minor feature/function failure—The product does not operate as designed, there is a minor impact on usage, and an acceptable workaround deployed.
Severity level 4—Low: minor problem—This can be classified as a request for documentation, general information, enhancement request, etc.