Upgrading CloudPortal Business Manager
CloudPortal Business Manager (CPBM) supports the following upgrade paths:
- CPBM 2.3.x to CPBM 2.5.0
- CPBM 2.4.x to CPBM 2.5.0
Important Notes:
- From CPBM 2.3.0 onwards, the workflows.xml and transactionWorkflowMap.xml files are moved from citrix.cpbm.custom.common bundle to /usr/share/vts3/repository/prop directory. If you have customized these files, you must update changes made to these files. New version of these files are saved with .rpmnew extension at the /usr/share/vts3/repository/prop directory.
- From CPBM 2.1.1 onwards, a new directory - connectors_ext - has been created at the /usr/share/vts3/ directory. This directory contains the com.citrix.cpbm.connector.ext.plan and the connector-ext.properties files. You must deploy the connectors in this directory and edit the appropriate plan. You must not modify the contents of com.citrix.cpbm.plan or com.citrix.cpbm.connector.plan.
- In CPBM 2.1.0, if you have deployed other connectors instead of deploying CPBM connectors such as, Apache CloudStack, Accelerite CloudPlatform in the connectors/ directory, you must move the deployed connector bundles to the connectors_ext directory and edit the plan appropriately. For example,
- Move your connector artifact, for example: , ]"/>, from com.citrix.cpbm.connector.plan at /usr/share/vts3/connectors and add it to the com.citrix.cpbm.connector.ext.plan file located at /usr/share/vts3/connectors_ext after the line:
- Copy the connector OSGi service bundle in the Virgo's /usr/share/vts3/connectors_ext directory.
- As part of the upgrade, the contents of the /usr/share/vts3/patches/ directory has been removed because the latest version includes all the fixes. After the upgrade, the /usr/share/vts3/patches/ directory contains the patches.plan along with the patches.properties file. It is recommended that you back up the patches folder before the upgrade.
- Before you upgrade to CPBM 2.5, you must upgrade to MySQL 5.6. This is the supported MySQL version.
- During the CPBM 2.5 upgrade process, select "y" to upgrade to Java 1.7.
Note: Do not delete the patches.properties and the connector-ext.properties files.
- If the cloud.properties file contains encrypted values of any property, they must be replaced by the clear-text (or decrypted) values before upgrade. You can replace these properties by encrypted values post upgrade. The cloud.properties file path is:
- Accelerite CloudPlatform Management Server must be up and be running while performing the CPBM upgrade.
- Make sure that you have backed up CPBM database (DB).
- If the upgrade fails, automatic system rollback is not supported. It is, therefore, strongly recommended to take the complete Virtual Machine (VM) backup or snapshot of the CPBM server and DB.
- In a clustered environment, code upgrade must be performed on all the servers, but the DB upgrade (Shell script) must be run only on one of the nodes.
- Make sure that the cloud-portal service is stopped before the upgrade is performed. In a clustered setup, the cloud-portal service must be stopped on all the nodes before upgrade.
- If there is any customization done in your setup, then merge your changes with the latest customization code before the upgrade. For more information, refer to Installing and building custom components.
Requirement | Version |
CloudPortal Business Manager (old) | 2.3.x (any) and 2.4.x (any) |
CloudPortal Business Manager (new) | 2.5.x |
Python | Default with CentOS (Python 2.6 for CentOS 6.3) |
Use the following commands:
yum -y install MySQL-python
yum -y install unzip
yum -y install mysqlif you want to:
- install the required packages, if they do not exist.
- update the packages with their respective latest version.
Steps to upgrade CloudPortal Business Manager 2.3.x /2.4.x to CloudPortal Business Manager 2.5.x
1 Download the CPBM version 2.5.x tar ball from the CPBM download website.
2 Run the command service cloud-portal stop to stop the cloud-portal service on all the active nodes.
3 Go to the console of your DB node and perform the following steps:
4. Copy and extract the CPBM tar ball in any location:
. tar -zxvf CloudPortal-2.5.x-centos.tar.gz
5. cd .
Important note:MySQL upgradation from version 5.1 to version 5.6 is currently failing due to MySQL 5.6 RPM GPG key mismatch. To resolve this issue , do follow below steps before proceeding to upgrade MySQL version 5.6.
i) Edit/Open commonFunctions.sh file inside CloudPortal-2.5.x-centos.
#vi commonFunctions.sh
ii) Search below mentioned line.
iii)Replace the MYSQL_GPG_KEY value to below.
iv)Save and close the commonFunctions.sh file.
6. Run the installer using the command: ./install.sh 2>&1 | tee installer.log
Note: Make sure that you backup CPBM and DB (preferably, the complete CPBM VM).
7. Read and accept Accelerite End User License Agreement.
8. From the Installer options available in the menu, select the option D to upgrade to MySQL 5.6.
Note: For CPBM 2.5, the supported MySQL server version is 5.6. Therefore, you must upgrade to MySQL 5.6.
9. Follow the instructions that appear on the wizard.
10. Select the option Q to quit.
11. Go to the console of your primary node and perform the following steps:
12. Copy and extract the CPBM tar ball in any location:
. tar -zxvf CloudPortal-2.5.x-centos.tar.gz
13. cd .
Note: For CPBM 2.5, the supported Java version is 1.7. During the upgrade process, select y to upgrade to Java 1.7.
Important note: Currently , JRE 1.7 installation fails, due to the Oracle JRE 1.7 download page has been moved or deleted . To resolve this issue , do follow below steps to install Oracle JRE 1.7 manually on CPBM nodes.
i) Download jre-7u80-linux-x64.rpm archive version manually using the link:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase7- 521261.html
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase7- 521261.html
ii) Copy the downloaded jre-7u80-linux-x64.rpm into your CloudPortal Business Manager server
iii) Run the following commands to install the jre-7u80-linux-x64.rpm file on CloudPortal Business Manager server:
rpm -Uvh jre-7u80-linux-x64.rpm*
iv) Go to the extracted CloudPortal Business Manager folder and change the java path in install.sh script as mentioned below.
# cd CloudPortal-2.4.0-1-centos
# vi install.sh
Search the line if [ ! -x /usr/java/jre1.7.0/bin/java ]; then
Replace the line with
if [ ! -x /usr/java/jre1.7.0_*/bin/java ];then*
save and close the file.
14. Run installer using the command: ./install.sh 2>&1 | tee installer.log
Note: Make sure that you backup CPBM and DB (preferably complete CPBM VM).
15. Read and accept Accelerite End User License Agreement.
16. From the Installer options available in the menu, select the option U to upgrade.
17. Follow the instructions that appear on the Upgrade wizard.
18. Select the option Q to quit.
19. Check whether the files with the .rpmsave or the .rpmnew extensions are created at teh following locations:
• /usr/share/vts3/repository/prop
• /usr/share/vts3/pickup/
• /usr/share/vts3/patches
• /usr/share/vts3/connectors_ext
• /usr/share/vts3/connectors
If a file with the .rpmnew extension has been created for a configuration file, it means that the new CPBM version has some changes in the configuration file and the new file has been
saved with the .rpmnew extension without touching the existing configuration file. In such cases, compare these files to find the updates and modify the configuration file accordingly.
If a file with the .rpmsave extension is created for any configuration file, it means that the file is being replaced by new CPBM version and the existing file has been saved with the
.rpmsave extension. In such cases, update the configuration file with the changes that you made previously. After the files are merged, you must delete these backup files with the
.rpmsave and the .rpmnew extensions.
20. Following are the commands for the database upgrade of CPBM, which must be run only once (on any one node in the clustered environment):
• If the current version of CPBM is 2.3.x:
cd CloudPortal-2.5.0-1-centos/migration/2.5/from/2.3/scripts
./dbupgrader.sh 2>&1 | tee dbupgrader.log
• If the current version of CPBM is 2.4.x:
cd CloudPortal-2.5.0-1-centos/migration/2.5/from/2.4/scripts
./dbupgrader.sh 2>&1 | tee dbupgrader.log
21. After the steps 9 to 20 are successful, run the service cloud-portal start command to start the CPBM server.
22. In a clustered environment, repeat steps 12 to 18 for each of the secondary nodes (except the DB node).
23. If the cloud.properties file contains encrypted values of any property, do the following after the upgrade:
a. Replace these properties by the encrypted values.
b. Modify the file /etc/init.d/cloud-portal: Replace the text 'IS_CLOUD_PORTAL_ENCRYPTED=0' with 'IS_CLOUD_PORTAL_ENCRYPTED=1'
24. Run the command service cloud-portal start to start the cloud-portal service on each of the secondary nodes.
Note: Make sure that the browser cache is cleaned after the upgrade.
If you have customized the Accelerite CloudPlatform connector UI on any earlier release of CPBM 2.x, and wish to upgrade to 2.5.x, you need to redo the customization using CCP-
connector-customization package that has been shipped with 2.5.x and deploy the connector in /usr/share/vts3/custom_connectors.
After upgrading to CPBM 2.5, the account dashboard displays a fewer number of active subscriptions than it displayed before the upgrade. This reduction in number of subscriptions is
because CPBM 2.5 considers only the purchased subscriptions (or subscriptions that are associated with a product bundle) as active subscriptions. Utility subscriptions are no longer counted as active subscriptions.