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Migration to Cloud Service, OSS and associated Service Instances

Concept of IaaS, Payment Gateway and Ticketing, Fraud control etc. is abstracted to Cloud Services and OSS in CloudPortal™ Business Manager 2.x. To setup the system to use this multi-service model, upgrade script automatically reads properties from and relevant tables. With help of this configuration setup in past, it creates service instance automatically. It automatically creates service instances for IaaS, Ticketing, and Payment Gateway, Credit card fraud control, Device fraud control, IP locator and Phone verification. If any of them is not enabled in the system before upgrade, script will not create any instance of the same.

Migration of properties in file

Following list details the properties that are migrated in file:
  • Names of many properties in file are changed and some of them are migrated to database from properties file. Upgrade takes care of them automatically.
  • Location of the file is changed from /etc/cloud/portal/ to /usr/share/vts3/repository/prop/ Upgrade takes care of change of location for the file.
  • Some of the properties are now specific to service instances, and will be moved to database after upgrade. Upgrade takes care of them.

Migration of Workflows

Workflow is a new feature in CloudPortal™ Business Manager 2.x. All the pending changes such as account creation and account conversion etc. will be migrated in form of "workflow" and "tasks". Any customization done for the same should be revisited in customization bundle to configure relevant xml files.

Migration of Billing

Billing has undergone metamorphosis in CloudPortal™ Business Manager 2.x. Both functional and technical implementations are changed to a large extent. Some of the points are highlighted below -
  • Creation of each subscription will create an invoice. As soon as the subscription is created, a new invoice is generated. This invoice is called 'Subscription' invoice, which is accompanied by 'Renewal' invoice in case of monthly subscription.
  • Even though invoice is created instantly on creation of subscription, payment of any invoice is not forced instantly unless it is configured to do so before upgrade. i.e., In CloudPortal Business Manager 1.4.x, Autopay & Instant invoicing should be on for the account types to make sure, instant pay is on in CloudPortal Business Manager 2.x.
  • Depending on the state & renewal date of subscriptions, necessary "Subscription" and "Renewal" invoices will be created.
Note: Make sure all the billing related jobs are successful for the previous run and system is in stable state on the day of migration.

Migration of Products and Product Bundles

Functionalities for Products and Product Bundles are augmented. In order to support migration for the same, default constraints are assumed. New products and product bundles created after upgrade can use the new features of CloudPortal™ Business Manager 2.x.

