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Customizing Reports

CloudPortal Business Manager supports creation of custom reports. Custom reports can be scheduled for periodic generation and can be generated on demand from the CloudPortal Business Manager UI.

You can create the following two categories of custom reports:
  • Daily Custom Reports: These reports are generated every day at the scheduled time that is defined in the cron trigger "dailyJobTrigger" in CloudPortal Business Manager. The default scheduled cron expression for this job is "0 15 10 * * ?"
  • Monthly Custom Reports: These reports are generated once a month at the scheduled time that is defined in the cron trigger "monthlyJobTrigger" in CloudPortal Business Manager. The default scheduled cron expression for this job is "0 15 10 1 * ?"
Information about the custom reports is saved in the following tables under "cloud_reports" schema:
  • custom_reports: Information about the new report that is customized is stored in this table. It has the following columns:
    • name: name of the custom report
    • class: implementation class name of the custom report including package name which is the fully qualified class name
  • sched_custom_reports: Information about custom report that you define is stored in this table. It has the following columns:
    • customreportid: ID of the report in custom_reports table
    • frequency: type of custom report, daily or monthly
    • deliveryURL: url to deliver the generated custom report
The custom reports are delivered to the "deliveryURL" mentioned in the sched_custom_reports table in the following two ways:
  • FTP
  • Local File System

The format of the delivery URL is as follows <TransferType>://<FilePath Based on the TransferType>.

Local File System
file:///E:/Work/reports_sequence(File system Path platform specific)/
