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Customizing Message Properties

You can customize the message properties of CloudPortal Business Manager UI without compiling any bundle.

To customize message properties
  1. Go to


    Locale specific filenames are CpbmCustomApplicationResources_<language code>.properties

  2. Add the existing message key and value that you want to customize.
  3. Restart the server.
Note: In a multimode setup, make sure that the files in the path $VIRGO_HOME/repository/prop/customMessages/ are the same.
To customize message properties when CAS is enabled
  1. Go to $VIRGO_HOME/repository/prop/casCustomMessages/

    Locale specific filenames are messages_<language code>.properties

  2. Modify the values as required.
  3. Restart the server.
  • In case of upgrade while CAS is enabled, if any customization is done in earlier versions of messages_<locale>.properties file then you must manually merge the files in the specified location because the CAS file will be picked up from $VIRGO_HOME/repository/prop/casCustomMessages/ and not from the bundle.
  • In a multimode setup, make sure that the files in the path $VIRGO_HOME/repository/prop/ casCustomMessages/ are the same.
