Customizing Topic Subscriber
TopicSubscriber is a spring ApplicationContextListener, which listens to all events that are raised by CloudPortal Business Manager.
- TenantActivation
- TenantLock
- TenantSuspension
- TenantTermination
- TenantReactivation
- SubscriptionCreation
- SubscriptionDeletion
- SubscriptionTermination
- UserCreation
- UserDeletion
- CloudServiceEvent
- SubscriptionChangeEvent
- UtilitySubscriptionEvent
- MissingProductEvent
- UserDeactivateEmail
- SubscriptionActivation
- AccountConverted
- CreditCardFraudCheckEvent
- TrialExpiryWarning
- TrialSuspended
- DeviceFraudDetectionEvent
- ProvisionResourceFailedEvent
- PasswordResetRequest
- DepositReceived VerifyEmailRequest
- EmailVerified
- ServiceUserRegisterEvent
- ServiceAccountRegisterEvent
- CloudServiceActivation
In order to listen to these events customer or service provider has to extend "AbstractTopicSubscriber" class and override any receive method as per the requirement.
- Create bean for the class:.
Example "<bean class="com.citrix.cpbm.admin.CustomTopicSubscriber" id="customTopicSubscriber" />" in applicationContext-admin-customizations.xml available at src/main/resources/META-INF/spring in bundle citrix.cpbm.custom.common.
- Publish the bean to OSGi registry:
Example "<osgi:service interface="com.citrix.cpbm.subscriber.TopicSubscriber" ref="customTopicSubscriber"/>" in osgi-context.xml available at src/main/resources/META-INF/spring in bundle citrix.cpbm.custom.common.
After making the necessary changes, the customer or service provider has to rebuild the custom packages as documented in Installing and building custom components.