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Searching VPN Customer Gateways

The VPN Customer Gateways tab lists all VPN Customer Gateways. As a master user/power user/normal user, you can find a particular VPN Customer Gateway/VPN Customer Gateways by using the search options. The option to search is visible in the CPBM UI only if the Accelerite CloudPlatform Connector version supports search operation for VPN Customer Gateways.

  1. Log in to CloudPortal Business Manager UI as master user/power user/normal user.
  2. Either click My Services and then click the desired Accelerite CloudPlatform service instance tab or click Manage Resources and then click the desired Accelerite CloudPlatform service instance link.
  3. Click the VPN Customer Gateways tab.
  4. In the Search box, specify the VPN Customer Gateway name and click Enter.
