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Sentient Enterprise 10.0 CP6 Support Matrix

This support matrix provides information on which versions of operating systems and software are supported in Sentient Enterprise 10.0 cumulative patch 6 (10.00.0006). It consists of the following sections:

Platform support

Table 1: Supported platforms

Vendor OS Version Architecture Core Satellite App Mgmt. ASSM Patch Mgmt. SnC OS Mgmt. Inventory Mgmt. App Usage Mgmt. WTS & Citrix Administrator #
  Sentient Agents  
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise/Pro 32/64 N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y
Windows 10 Enterprise 32/64 N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y
Windows 11 Enterprise 64 N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y
Windows 2012 R2 Server 64 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Windows 2016 Server 64 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Windows 2019 Server 64 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Windows 2022 Server 64 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise 12.5 32/64 N N Y Y N N N Y N N Y
15.x 32/64 N N Y Y N N N Y N N Y
Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.4 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
7.5 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
7.6 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
8 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
8.1 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
9 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
Ubuntu   14.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
16.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
18.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
20.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y
21.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
22.04 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
Debian   9 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
10 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
11 32/64 N N Y Y Y N N Y N N Y
CentOS   7.x 32/64 N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y
8.x 32/64 N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y
Fedora   34 32/64 N N Y Y N N N N N N Y
35 32/64 N N Y Y N N N N N N Y
36 32/64 N N Y Y N N N N N N Y
Apple Mac OS X 10.15 64 N N Y N N N N N N N Y
11.x 64 N N Y N N N N N N N Y
12.x 64 N N Y N N N N N N N Y

indicates that it is not a supported platform.
Y* indicates that running Sentient Satellite Server on a "desktop" class OS imposes limitations of the OS on the Sentient Enterprise product and it is recommended only when the Satellite Server is in streamline mode. The Satellite Server can only be deployed on a 64-bit OS.

Y indicates that WEBM based audit functionality is not supported for Debian and Ubuntu.

Administrator # indicates that Sentient Administrator Tools include the following files for different OS:

  • Linux OS: Sentient Agent Explorer, Sentient Batch Publisher, Sentient Native Publisher, Sentient Publisher
  • Mac OS: Sentient Agent Explorer, Sentient Batch Publisher, Sentient Publisher
  • Windows OS: Sentient Agent Explorer, Sentient Configuration Server Database Editor (CSDB Editor), Sentient AMP Editor, Sentient Batch Publisher, Sentient Publisher

Sentient Enterprise 10.0 CP6 (10.00.0006) supports the major releases of the listed OS (such as Red Hat 6, SUSE 10, Windows 8), the support packs (SP) and minor releases up to and including the most recent version available at the time of this release (14 April 2023).

Sentient Enterprise does not support OS versions (major versions, SP or minor releases) that are no longer supported by the OS vendor. For example, Sentient 10.00 supports Red Hat 4, including all minor releases up to 4.9, as long as they are supported by Red Hat. Sentient Enterprise supports Windows 2008 Server SP2, which includes support for SP1, as long as it is supported by Microsoft.

Remote Proxy support using Integration Server on Linux

The Linux-based Proxy Server remains supported in a Core-Satellite environment for customers who require proxy services running on a Linux host OS. This support uses the Integration Server-based Proxy Server, and not an Apache-based Satellite Server. Note that the Integration Server-based Proxy Server is not managed in the Core-Satellite Console.

Software support

Currently, the Sentient Console application supports the following screen resolutions: 1366 x 768px, 1440 x 900px, 1600 x 1200px, 1920 x 1024px, 2560 x 1400px, and 3860 x 1600px. It is best viewed on a screen resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.

Table 2: Supported databases

Database Version
Oracle 12c
SQL Server 2012
SQL Server Express 2012

Table 3: Supported browsers

Broswer Version
Google Chrome 105 and later
Microsoft Edge 105 and later
Mozilla Firefox 103 and later

Table 4: Third-party dependent software

Software Version
Amazon Corretto JRE 1.8.0_362
MySQL 8.0.32 and earlier
Oracle JRE 1.8.0_361

Hardware support

Sentient Enterprise 10.0 CP6 (10.00.0006) supports the major versions of the listed software and all the minor releases up to and including the most recent version available at the time of this release (14 April 2023). Software versions that are released after 10.00.0006 will be supported within a reasonable timeframe to provide for QA testing. Sentient Enterprise does not support Software versions (major or minor versions) that are no longer supported by the Software vendor.

Table 5: Supported hardware

Hardware Status
AMD 64-bit  
HP Thin Clients All managed models
Intel 32-bit  
Intel 64-bit  

Backward compatibility

Table 6: Backward compatibility of Agent

Server 10.0 CP6 Agent
RCA Infrastructure 9.1 Y*
RCA Infrastructure 9.2 Y*
RCA Infrastructure 10.0 Y*

Table 7: Backward compatibility of Server

Satellite Server 10.0 CP6 Core Server
RCA Infrastructure 9.1 N**
RCA Agent 9.1 Y*
RCA Infrastructure 9.2 N**
RCA Agent 9.2 Y*
RCA Infrastructure 10.0 Y**
RCA Agent 10.0 Y*

* Sentient infrastructure components are designed to be backward compatible with earlier Agent versions and in most cases are also forward compatible. It also applies for patch releases.

** As a general rule of thumb, infrastructure components from the same Core-Satellite release should always be deployed into the infrastructure, and not mixed-and-matched with older component versions, except during an upgrade migration process, and where it is fully tested for compatibility.

If you want to migrate from an HPCA Classic environment to a Core-Satellite environment, refer to the Classic to Core-Satellite Migration Guide.

Alternate operating environments

  • Several of the operating systems that we test have different installation modes for limiting the functionality of the operating system. Microsoft Windows Server 2022 is an example, offering a “core installation option” with six different roles. This is the same operating system but installed with a different set of options than the normal Windows Server 2022 operating system. Another example is Oracle Enterprise Linux, which is a derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Oracle claims full and complete compatibility between OEL and RHEL. While Oracle does list a few small differences, it is expected to be functionally the same as RHEL.
  • Based on the respective vendors’ statements about compatibility, Persistent Systems is confident that Sentient Enterprise operates without problems on these alternate operating systems. However; Persistent Systems does not perform any testing of Sentient Enterprise on these other operating systems or installation modes, and therefore cannot guarantee whether it will work.
  • The Persistent Systems support organization will provide support for Sentient Enterprise running on these alternative operating systems, to answer questions, and to troubleshoot and identify any problems customers may encounter while operating these alternate operating environments. Persistent Systems Support will provide best-effort support in these cases to determine if there are any defects in the Sentient Enterprise product. Persistent Systems reserves the right to request that a customer attempt to duplicate any issues or problems on a fully supported platform, if practical.
  • Persistent Systems does not guarantee to repair or correct any product issues that are caused by differences in the supported operating systems, as listed in the support matrix, and these alternative operating environments.

Virtualized environment support policy

  • Persistent Systems supports the operation of the Sentient Enterprise solutions in a virtualized execution environment. Accordingly, the Persistent Systems support organization responsible for the Sentient Enterprise software does not support the hypervisor (such as VMware ESX) or the host itself (such as VMware Server or Microsoft Virtual Server). VMware and Microsoft support a set of certified operating systems and hardware. The customer, VMware and Microsoft are responsible for any interactions or issues that arise at the operating system layer as a result of their use of the virtualization technology. This support includes embedded hypervisor virtualization technology.
  • Persistent Systems reserves the right to request that customers diagnose certain issues in a non-virtualized operating system environment. Persistent Systems will only make this request when there is reason to believe that the virtual environment is a contributing factor to the issue.
  • While Sentient Enterprise solutions are expected to function properly in virtual environments, there may be performance implications which can invalidate or otherwise materially impact typical sizing and other recommendations. Analysis must be performed within the context of the specific application to be hosted in a virtual environment to minimize potential resource contention.

Table 8: Virtualization support for Sentient Server 9.1 and later

Server VM hosted on VMware ESX, ESXi 5.x and later VM hosted on VMware Server VM hosted on VMware Workstation 11.x and later VM hosted on MS Virtual Server 2008 R2 and later
RCA Infrastructure 9.1 and later   Supported, but not recommended for production environment Supported, but not recommended for production environment  

Table 9: Virtualization support for Sentient Agent 9.1 and later

Agent VM hosted on VMware ESX, ESXi 5.x and later VM hosted on VMware Server VM hosted on VMware Workstation 11.x and later VM hosted on MS Virtual Server 2008 R2 and later
Application Manager        
Inventory Manager        
OS Manager        
Patch Manager        
Self-Service Manager        
Usage Manager        

'Supported' is defined by the above statement and where the Sentient Enterprise solution supports the operating systems that resides in the guest environment and supported by it.


Originally published on 14 April 2023

Go back to 10.00.0006 download page or 10.00.0006 release notes.

