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Whats new in ConVirt 2.5

This update include numerous few fixes and enhancements.

Deploy CMS in EC2 : Now you can deploy the ConVirt Management server and manage your infrastructure. Check out this section of the installation guide for more details.

Performance improvements : ConVirt can use nmap to detect node availability. This helps with detecting faster up/down as well as managing larger number of physical hosts. Migrate dialog performance issue is fixed in this release.

Single Step upgrade Now users can upgrade to latest version from any of the 2.x version. Follow example in upgrade guide for 2.1.1 - 2.5.

New Resource and Feedback Menu New menu to easily access resources related to ConVirt and give feedback.

Ability to skip vnc proxy and go directly to managed host For ease of use, the vnc proxy by default is disabled, the browser client/applet will directly go to the managed server for vnc connection.

