Product Milestone Definitions
General Availability (GA)
The date that signifies when a new product release may be ordered and fulfilled in all applicable languages, discount programs, delivery methods, and worldwide geographies. With GA of a new release, some applicable offerings of the previous release will be phased out:
- Evaluations and Not for Resale offerings based on the previous product release will be immediately replaced by offerings based on the new release.
- Downloads of the product release will remain available until the End of Life (EOL) date.
Notice of Status Change (NSC)
Notice of Status Change (NSC) is the date on which Accelerite publicly communicates the specific dates for a product's End of Sales (EOS), End of Maintenance (EOM), and End of Life (EOL). This information is posted within the Product Matrix.
End of Sales (EOS)
This date signifies when the specified software release will no longer be available for purchase.
End of Maintenance (EOM)
The date that signifies when a specific product release will have no further code-level maintenance other than security-related updates. Code-level maintenance is typically delivered in the form of Minor Versions, Service Packs, Hotfixes or Hotfix Rollup Packs. The release of a Minor Version, Service Pack or Hotfix Rollup Pack may define a new maintenance baseline. Accelerite customers may be required to upgrade to a Minor Version, Service Pack or Hotfix Rollup Pack to receive continued maintenance. After the EOM date, Foundation Support continue as before but code-level maintenance will be limited to security related issues deemed critical by Accelerite. Security issues could be related to publicly identified security vulnerabilities, other security vulnerabilities or Microsoft’s publicly released security updates. There will be a minimum of 12 months notice for an EOM date; however, Accelerite reserves the right to change the timeframe in its sole discretion based on business needs or technical risk for customers.
End of Life (EOL)
The date that signifies when security related hot fixes, technical support and downloads of the product will no longer be available. Without an extended support contract technical support will be limited to information contained in the Accelerite Knowledge Base and Accelerite Community Forums. If the issues cannot be corrected through this method, then an upgrade path or migration to the latest version or product replacement is recommended. The EOL date will be a minimum of six months from the EOM date; however, Accelerite reserves the right to change the timeframe at its sole discretion based on business needs or technical risk for customers.