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Rovius CP 4.11 Hotfix-07 System VM ISO Changes

This announcement is for the CloudPlatform customers who are on Rovius CP 4.11 Hotfix-07 and using Debian 8 System VM template with VMware host or using Debian 7 System VM template.

Accelerite CloudPlatform Engineering has identified an issue related to Site-to-Site VPN and remote access VPN with IKEv2, with the last released hotfix Rovius CP 4.11 Hotfix-07. To address the issue, Accelerite CloudPlatform Engineering has modified the systemvm.iso file.

Rovius CP 4.11 Hotfix-07 binaries have been updated and the new patch can be downloaded using the following announcement link:

It is recommended that the customers who have applied the CP 4.11 Hotfix-07 must download and install this patch, and update the systemvm.iso file.

Refer to On the Hypervisor Hosts section in the knowledge base article to update the System VM ISO.

