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Accelerite releases Hotfix 11 for CloudPlatform 4.11.0

Accelerite is pleased to announce 4.11.0 hotfix 11 for customers using Rovius CP

The Rovius CP 4.11.0 hotfix 11 includes product fixes primarily in the following areas:

  • Management Server
  • Networking
  • VM/Volume
  • Storage

The Rovius CP 4.11.0 hotfix 11 release includes the following features:

  • Kubernetes integration
  • Improved RVR capable router to support zero downtime upgrades

The addendum includes new features added to the Rovius CP 4.11.0 hotfix 11 release.

Click here to see the install steps and list of issues and improvements addressed in Rovius CP 4.11.0 hotfix 11.

The product download for Rovius CP 4.11.0 hotfix 11 is available for logged in users at .

