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Radia - General Discussions
Sap Management
In Core/Satellite model, we have an option in RMP.CFG to enable/disable the SAP Automatic Management. If enabled it does two things
Create SAP instances for any new Satellite server added in the environment
Create RPS_ User account under PRDMAINT.POLICY.USER class
So is there a way we can disable the user creation only and not the SAP instance creation ?
Previous 7 comments
You added the ENABLE_SAP_MANAGEMENT option to the rmp.cfg. I am assuming with a value of 1 or "ON" , as this is also the default value for this variable for automated instance management.
In an "Out of the box" installation this variable is not present in the rmp.cfg and by default the CLIENT.SAP and POLICY.USER instances are automatically managed by the Satellite registration process.
With this variable present you are presenting the possibility for this variable to be set to 0 or "OFF"
If this happens the auto-management of these instances would not occur and the satellite management UI will be rendered inoperable and then should no longer be used.
As far as I can tell, because this is the default operation for this I can say that the CLIENT.SAP and POLICY.USER instances will work in pairs. If this functionality is required I would suggest opening a ticket so this can be tracked and researched more closely.
Please contact me directly if you need further assistance
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