
Radia - General Discussions


How to use Radia self service manager

I have many software which are published in radia core server. But these are not displayed in Radia self service manager catalog. how to publish them in catalog?
can anyone help?


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Previous 6 comments

John, Bob, Matt, (J.B. Hunt)

Try setting the ZSVCCAT = Y for each service you want to show in the RSM.

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Phani Valluri

Could you please change the attribute ZSVCMO[M/O/MO/OM] for required software services to "O" and refresh the catalog in Self-Service Manager?

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Srijith House

Only the application which has published as an Optional will be displayed in the Radia self service manager catalog. End-users will have the ability to install,Repair,update the application which is available in the catalog list. Administrator needs to assign the option application inorder to display application under Radia self service manager.

For new application, while performing publishing we need to choose "Optional" under the assignment type. By default it is Mandatory.

For the application which has already published and not displayed on Radia self service manager, We can update the ZSVCMO attribute to "O". If the application is already available in production, Accelerite will not recommend to edit the attribute. We need to create a Service for the application.

If we need to display the Mandatory application under Radia self service manager we need to modify the "ZSVCCAT". By doing this we are providing ability to the users to uninstall the application however the application will install automatically in the next software connect.

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Hi All,

Thanks for your responses.
I will try the solution suggested by all and update the result.

Sumant Kulkarni

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Hi Ekuberems
Did any of the supplied answers resolve your issues?

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Fernando Berdial

Hi, in CSDB put the key ZSVCMO of every package to OM, MO or O (optional). Self service manager only display software package which are optional.

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