
Radia - General Discussions


Can we schedule RCA reports to sent over mail


Is there any feature to send RCA report over email message or schedule the report to be sent over email automatically.
Using this kind of feature we can save our efforts.

Sumant Kulkarni


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Previous 9 comments

Permanently deleted user

Hi Sumant,

We don't have any out-of-the-box support for this. However we have an option to send the Reporting Server link using "email page" option in the reporting server console.
http://<server name>:3466/reportingserver/results.tcl?repRole=DEF&removefilters=all&setview=RAMDevices.view

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Jamshed Qureshi

I believe a new upcoming feature Radia Data Insights will do this like a breeze.

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Samir Agarwal

Jamshed is exactly right.

Radia Data Insights will let you derive insights, create ad-hoc reports, and schedule generation and sharing through emails. If you haven't already, you must see it in action. Do drop us a note.



(Accelerite Products)

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Permanently deleted user


Hi Sumant,




Even in current version, It is certainly possible (though it is not available out of the box). You can create a recurring DTM job that gets fired at a specific time every day.




All reports along with custom filters are in fact unique resources, which are addressable and accessible via a URL.  The DTM job can invoke a custom TCL script which authenticates and accesses the specific report, saves it locally and emails it. I remember some customers using this technique to save latest reports in a specific location.




In addition, we have another related feature specifically for IT admins. You can export your favorite custom report to a “LIVE” excel (and email it to someone). Whenever you open this excel, you will see live report. It  will always give you up-to-date live report (after authentication). It’s a very unique feature and one of the lesser known reporting features.







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Bhupenderk Singh

How can I get the Accelerite Content Network ID and password & what is the procedure to get the same.

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Phani Valluri

Hi Bhupender,


I assume you are using 9.0 RCA. 9.0 needs hotfix to be applied to migrate to ACN. Please download the hotfix from the link below:

We will be receiving the request for ACN credentials and the credentials will be shared after the required access levels are verified.


Phani Valluri.



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Hi Bhupenderk,

What is the version of Radia ?

If Radia version is 9.1 and below, a hot-fix needs to applied which can be downloaded via link below, a support request will be submitted automatically and of our support personal will provide you the  Accelerite Content Network ID and password.

If the Radia version is 9.2 and above, please contact Radia support.

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Bhupenderk Singh

The Radia version is 9.20

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John Edmondson

FYI - I am not a moderator here, but if I was , I would suggest (and I guess I am suggesting) this should have been a new topic. 

 The original topic is about email Content Network is a different topic and should be in a different thread.  

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