
Radia - General Discussions

Brian Jakubowsky

Wake from Sleep and Keep Awake During Radia connect

I want to let our users have the option to connect their laptops from home over their internet connection at night. I already use a scheduled task to wake the computers from sleep to start a connect, however, what I did not realize until recently is that the computer goes back to sleep as soon as my script ends (and I stop my script after I fire the connect). I thought Windows would just stay awake until the "sleep after x minutes" is reached. However, that is not how it work out of a scheduled task. Does anyone have a solution for this already? I am also concerned about keep the machine awake through multiple reboots, etc during the connect.


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Previous 6 comments

Billy McGinnity

Hi Brian
My first thought is to launch (start) a second script that will just launch a count down for x number of seconds or minutes based on the number of seconds
This may keep the machine from going back to sleep. This will launch every time your parent script launches, when it completes the secondary script will still be running counting down to keep the machine "active"

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Brian Jakubowsky

Hi Billy, I did try that. However, regardless of what else is running on your machine (the Radia connect could be right in the middle of a download), as soon as the original script that launched the task closes, the machine will go right back to sleep. (This is Windows 7 I am working with BTW).

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Billy McGinnity

Hi Brian,

I have found a way to control the power options through the command line using the windows "powercfg" command line. Please see below link.

Please check this out to see if this will work for you.  Maybe you can turn off Sleep mode prior to connect then reinstate after the connect has completed.  

Please note that I have not tested this command

Thanks Brian




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Jamshed Qureshi

Have you considered calling powercfg to set power schemes as part of your connect. Perhaps from connect exit points.

another option if using radntfyc to init connect, use of its WAIT parameter. That will block your script until connect completes.

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Brian Jakubowsky

@Jamshed, I have considered PowerCfg scheme, but it seems a little too much work (I like to keep everything simple). But, it may be the answer. However, I had not thought about the WAIT parameter on RADNTFYC. That actually may work. I will have to get it some more thought and testing. Thanks! BTW, I did find out from our team that we currently keep the machine awake if it is on AC power. So, it is possible, I don't really have do anything for most of our users. It could be a training thing. It is only the scenario if they put the machine to sleep themselves before they plug it in.

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Craig Tonner

Simples, doesn't even need packages.


Create two new ZSERVICES.




ZCREATE c:\windows\system32\powercfg -s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c

ZVERIFY c:\windows\system32\powercfg -s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c




ZCREATE c:\windows\system32\powercfg -s 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e

ZVERIFY c:\windows\system32\powercfg -s 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e


Assign both services to the machine.

During a connect POWERCFG_HIGH will switch power mode to High performance as the first ZSERVICE to be processed.

At the end of the connect POWERCFG_BALANCED will switch power mode back to balanced.



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