
Radia - General Discussions

Brian Jakubowsky

Java and Patch Manager

I am doing a little discovery of leveraging the option to use Patch Manager to patch Java (JRE specifically). I think I have every thing setup correctly. (I am currently running 9.1). However, I don't seem to be to acquire any Update after JRE 1.8 Update 31 (JRE-1-8-UPD-31). JRE is currently at update 66. Update 31 was posted on 1-29-2015. I do see some articles on the Oracle site about some change made to their patching methodology around this time.

points to

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a hotfix? I currently don't use this feature, so I can't say for something is broken. However, if anyone is using this feature successfully still (after 1-2015) let me know.





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Previous 12 comments

James Longo - EU

Hey Brian,


  Accelerite needs to update Java and Adobe bulletins on their end before newer versions of Java and Adobe are available via Radia Patch Manager. I went thru this with them last year and requested a 48 hours turn around time for Radia and Java/Adobe due to SLA for critical patches.Last I heard there was/is a 30 day + window between new Java/Adobe updates and Radia availability.

 In order to meet 48 hours SLA I provide custom bulletins to our (Evergreen Systems) support customers including Java (JRE), Adobe, and other third party bulletins not available via Radia Patch Manager like FileZilla, 7-zip, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Using customer bulletin templates it is possible to start managing many third party applications via Radia Patch Manager.

 If you would like to see an example of custom bulletins for patch manager send me an email and we can discuss it in more detail.


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James Longo - EU

My current Radia Patch Manager bulletin is JRE is 1-8-60. I will start working on the JRE-1-8-66. It usually takes me about an hour to get the updated JRE into Radia. What Operating Systems/Architecture are you testing? Do you install the JRE x86 or x64 versions? 

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Brian Jakubowsky

James, thank you for the quick responses. However, I did just get off the phone with support. We realized I had just rebuilt my Dev environment from scratch and I neglected to re-implement the patch.tkd that moved the feed from HP to Accelerite.  Opps! My bad! That is why I was stuck back at Update 31. I updated my tkd file and now I see up to Update 60.

I am glad you pointed out that there is actual work that needs to be done from Accelerite. I did not realized that. I am so used to the MUC feed and not having to wait any more. We did actually already deploy 66 to our Production workstations with RAM. So I am in no hurry to get 66 in Patch Manager. I am doing more of a POC with the solution.

Now my mistake is public record. Oh well, I think that what these forums should be for, right? I am hoping we can grow this community of Radia customers.

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Rangesh Vaidya

Accelerite team is in process of updating the Java catalog file, once the catalog file is updated, I will update here.

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Samir Agarwal



Sometime in the September time frame we made a statement (I will check if this was published or not) that critical security patches for the supported 3rd party products will be made available in 72 hours. All other patches would be made available in a 60 day time frame. It does look like we are way over the 60 day period based on what you have described. Our team will look at this, and provide a firm date by early next week.


Thanks for pointing this out. Keep the comments coming!




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Hi Brian,

Using Patch manager you can acquire updates upto JRE update 60, Currently Accelerite team working on updating th JRE update 66 to the CATALOG.

We shall keep you posted.




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Brian Jakubowsky

Thanks Samir. I don't remember seeing a statement regarding the 60 days for non Critical. However, since we have not used anything but Microsoft update to this point I probably ignored it :).

However, 66 was released on 11-16-2015, and I do not believe it was a Critical release per what I am reading. So, you are well within your SLA if that is the case.

Even though my screw up prompted this (still pointing to HP feed), this was very informative!

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James Longo - EU

Are you currently deploying the jre .exe or .msi via Radia Application Manager? Are you deploying extra files with the jre? The JRE bulletins available via Radia Patch Manager are for the .exe only. If you want to deploy the .msi file along with a .ini, a custom bulletin can be used.  

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Charul Sadwelkar

Glad to see the forum is working exactly like it's supposed too. Brian, thanks for bringing this to our notice, and for being such a good sport. We're looking into this and we'll also make sure we are all aligned internally for the promised SLA going forward as well.

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Rangesh Vaidya

Catalog file is updated now on AWS to support latest version of Java bulletins that were released. The updated catalog file can be obtain by running a Patch Manager Acquisition.

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Brian Jakubowsky

@James, we currently do an MSI with transform to install it. I now see that this would just be the exe. That may or may not work for us in the end. I will need to follow up with our packager to see what we are doing in the transform. However, right now, I was just doing a quick POC. Thanks for pointing that out.

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James Longo - EU

Hey Brian,

 I work with our customers to create custom templates based on current usage so the bulletins are tailored to your specific environment. Once created the template can be easily updated to acquire new versions in minutes. Also, the custom bulletins I develop work with all versions of Radia so you can POC my custom bulletins in your current Radia environment.

 Most customers not only deliver the msi for JRE, but they also deploy the x86 JRE to x64 systems. The default Radia bulletin will deploy the x64 JRE to x64 systems. 

 Like I said, Radia Patch Manger can be used to deploy/update most 3rd party software using custom bulletins. If you ever want a demo drop me a note and I will be happy to set aside some time to discuss it in more detail.



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