
Radia - General Discussions

Shaun Dawkins

Community question about OS Zstops

Our group is at a bit of a stalemate when it comes to adding OS level Zstops to all CSDB services.

We currently support over 800 applications and when a new OS comes out we can spend months testing all our applications on the new OS platform.  Unfortunately, and as an example; if the service currently has a WIN7 zstop on it we can’t quickly test the applications on WIN10. It’s a long process carefully adjusting Zstops on every application so they can even be tested. (We have to do this by exporting the .xpi files and opening them in notepad, changing the Zstop, and reimporting back into the system.) That way it doesn’t modify the date and time stamp of the service and force a reinstall of the software throughout the environment.  As another example, if the application ends up working on WIN10 we would typically add the new OS Zstop to the service and will be faced with the same problem later when WIN12 comes out. 

That means that our only other solution is to NOT add an OS Zstop at all unless the software just won’t work on a particular OS.  We’ve gone through many discussions on the pros and cons of adding the OS level Zstop to all software. The biggest pro of adding the OS Zstops is to prevent major catastrophes like blue screening every machine that has a particular software on a new OS. The major con of the OS Zstop is that it can take months of testing on the new OS. With hundreds of supported applications, it becomes a huge undertaking.   

I’m curious what other companies are doing and if they face the same pain points that we go through when a new OS enters the picture? Maybe there is some solution we aren’t even considering?


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Previous 3 comments

Walter Hartmann

You should consider using Policy based expressions. They allow you to set an expression on AD rather than on the package itself (which requires modification and would trigger updates to all subscribers). The policy expressions in AD are TCL based and you can set them in the console when setting policy using the "policy wizard"...there is a tab called "Attributes" ...clicking the "Add" hyperlink will display a sub-menu that shows both "Attributes" and "Expressions" tab. On the Expressions tab you can add your policy stop expressions. You can see more detail in the Policy Server user's guide on Page 27 or just search for the word "Expressions".

I hope that helps

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Shaun Dawkins

Thanks Walter!  We are not currently doing that but I'll certainly bring that up to the team. After a quick investigation we'll see if it's something we should add to our process going forward. 

Evergreen has also just informed us of a KEEPDATE field we can add with the ZEDMAMS command.  That should help with the date and time stamp scenario as well.  Both of those tips will provide extremely helpful in the future no matter what we end up using them for. Appreciate the tips!



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Tasi Gwin

We set the ZUPDATE to _NONE_ and then it doesn't reinstall the app when you make other parameter changes.


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