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CloudPlatform 4.x
Site-2-Site VPN with SonicWALL
I know that on Cisco and Juniper firewalls are supported for setting up S2S VPNs between a customer site and a VPC. But, we have clients that have been using SonicWALL to connect to their VPCs for a couple of years now. We upgraded from 4.5.1 to 4.7.1 and now none of those connections are working. Has anyone been able to successfully get a VPC to SonicWALL s2s VPN to work? If so, am I missing something?
Previous 26 comments
I do not know sonicwall, but on Juniper you need to clear the "IKE SA" keys..
Anyway, when i had the problem, i har to change in the;
On the router
sudo echo " keyexchange=ike" >> $vpnconffile &&
sudo echo " keyexchange=ikev1" >> $vpnconffile &&
ofcorse you need to change your sonicwall back to IkeV1.. ;O)
When you have done this and if there is a connection error can you check it the vpn is up anyways.. ?
root@r-478-VM:~# ipsec status
000 "L2TP-PSK":[]:17/1701---[%any]:17/%any==={}; unrouted; eroute owner: #0
000 "L2TP-PSK": newest ISAKMP SA: #0; newest IPsec SA: #0;
000 "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx":[]---[]===; erouted; eroute owner: #28
000 "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx": newest ISAKMP SA: #24; newest IPsec SA: #28;
000 #28: "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" STATE_QUICK_R2 (IPsec SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 3252s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner
000 #28: "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" esp.b6635d58@ (0 bytes) esp.c7069e5d@ (0 bytes); tunnel
000 #24: "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 85521s; newest ISAKMP
Security Associations:
Yes, I changed the VR to ikev1
The SonicWALL I am testing on with this has had no changes.
And.... Now, I am even more confused...
I've been trying different connection types... Now, on the client's SonicWALL, it is showing the VPN as connected. But, the CP VPN Connection status is disconnected. But, I am now able to ping the client's SonicWALL from within one of their Instances in CP.
That is great,
In my case i had to change the file:
from cat /tmp/vpn-$1.status | grep "ESTABLISHED" > /dev/null
cat /tmp/vpn-$1.status | grep -i "ESTABLISHED" > /dev/null
så the text ESTABLISHED is case insensetive.
when it is done, clik on reconnect on the connection...
You are welcome, glad to help..
I had the problem last friday.. :O)
I figure that when they changed the VPN engine from openswan to strong swan (i think), it also changed the default from ikeV1 to IkeV2, i too could have used this information.. :O)
Regarding the false positive, i think the new version reports back in lowercase, if they only check uppercase it does not work, and we get the status disconnected or error.
When you create a new VR og use the cleanup option (It creates a new VR), you have to manuelly change the settings (until it is fixed or you), i do not think that the IKE version will be fixed but i belive the script will..
Have a nice day..
Kind regards Gert
Dear all,
We are the same kind of issue.
We just upgrade from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 but all of our VPN connection are now down (client VPN and s2s VPN)
We are using ASA cisco, i juste recreated the connection s2s vpn but still not working.
Here ipsec status :
Do you know if we need to perform any modification on VR or before/after upgrade on cloudplatform ?
Thanks upfront,
Best regards,
Hey Everyone,
I am one of the developer who worked on this (not from Accelerite). I don't have visibility into what Accelerite actually deployed, but I suspect it is the content of this PR. I have continued the development of this PR here to fix a few issues that we ran into when testing this. Keep in mind that my experience with this code is from Apache CloudStack (what CloudPlatform is built on) and not CloudPlatform.
First of all. IKEv2 will not work, only IKEv1 is supported unless Accelerite completely changed the API for creating the the VPN Gateway since fields have changed, and I doubt that is the case.
With ACS anyway, just doing a reset of the VPC is not enough. This does fix somethings, but it is not everything. In ACS we have a checkbox for 'Clean Up' which MUST be checked when you reset the VR in order for the new implementation to be completely deployed. Without this checkbox checked, a reset of the VPC will only reboot the VR. If you check the 'Clean Up' checkbox when you reset the VPC, the VR will be destroyed and a new VR will be provisioned according to the configuration defined by ACS/ACP. In testing, we have found this is required in order for this functionality to be correctly upgraded in ACS.
We also found a strange issue when working on this that the 'ipsec' command binary does not seem to be updated until a reset (of any kind) of the VPC. Even though 'which' and 'version' would show that the ipsec command was pointing at the StrongSwan binary, it was still executing as OpenSwan when the VR used it. We could not isolate exactly why this was happening, but a reset of the VR did fix it.
It looks like Neil ran into this problem as well given the following:
'000 #24: "vpn-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 85521s; newest ISAKMP'
The 'ISAKMP SA established' string is the OpenSwan version of the 'ipsec status' output. Note this change in the code to represent this change between OpenSwan and StrongSwan.
The change that Gert did to 'opt/cloud/bin/checks2svpn.sh' for the case insensitive grep should not be required if the StrongSwan ipsec status is is correctly being used. I tested this yesterday to verify and I can not make StrongSwan output a status that is not all caps.
As for the 'disconnected' thing. From my testing, if the VPN Connection in the VPC is set to 'passive', it will always have a state of 'disconnected' even if the VPN connection is established. If you uncheck the 'passive' box when creating the VPN Connection, then it will show as 'connected' when the VPN is connected. I have not dug into this problem, but I have verified that setting the 'passive' checkbox will make the VPN show 'disconnected' even if the VPN is established.
I think thats it. Let me know if you have any questions.
I have also tried to clean/destroy and reboot reboot of the VR, that did not help.
I have no passive VPCs
I had to change the check get the correct status..
And I have to change in the config to use IkeV1, but if i changed it back to Ike i could change the endpoints to use Ikev2 and make it work (with the connection),
I do not have acces to all endpoints so for me the change in router config was the only way..
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