
Radia - General Discussions

Ishant Walia

Patch inventory of servers

Hi Experts,

How can i get the patch details of agent devices.

which patch are there and which needs to be deploy.




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Previous 8 comments

Arne Halsteinslid


One way to find out is:

- Click on "View Device Status" under "Patch Information"
- Click on the "Details" icon under the "Device Status" banner
- Paste in the name of the device in the "Device Name" input field under "Patch Management Filters" in "Data Filters" and click on "Apply"
- Drill down in resulting report

See attached picture

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Ishant Walia

Hi ,

I tried with desktop machine but its showing below error.

"Application Name Installed (No file found for scan ["C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\*\*.EXE"]) "

Also i have not pushed any patch on any machine. I guess it isn't mandatory.

can't i get the list of this. ?

Please suggest.


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James Longo - EU

Do you have Radia Patch Manager? You are trying to use a file audit to collect all .exe files in program files, that is failing, but won't show any patches installed or not installed. Use Radia Patch Manager not Inventory Manager.

Also, try removing x86 from the string and search program files*


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James Longo - EU

If you do not have Radia Patch Manager and you want to use Radia Inventory Manager to get an idea of what patches exist you could use a wbem audit for Win32_QuickFixEngineering and a File Audit for Windows/System32/*.dll will give you some idea of the patched level of a system. 

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Ishant Walia

Hi Dear,

Yes, i have Patch Manager and i ran a notify job of Patch Connect with using any policies.

Is it the way to get patch info of agent machines? please correct if i'm wrong.

Now , still i'm not able to see any patch details in report/


Please help

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Arne Halsteinslid


All machines must have the DISCOVER_PATCH and FINALIZE_PATCH PATCHMGR.ZSERVICE instances assigned, did you assign those two policies?

Also, I seem to remember one must apply at least one patch bulletin policy to a device before that device will show up in Patch Manager Reporting.

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Hospy Ichhaporia


I can see few things here

1. the report you selected is for hardware inventory can you search the device in patch inventory.

2. Have you performed patch acquisition if so try set 3 else perform a patch acquisition then try step 3 

3. Try command Radntfyc localhost radskman dname=Discovery_patch, copy=N,Log = patch.log. Share patch logs. update device on machine should be set as automatic .


I faced a similar issue during my last implementation & these solution really helped.


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James Longo - EU



  As others have stated, you need to acquire Patch content before Radia Patch manager will show patched/not patched status for devices. Radia Patch Manager is a closed loop Patching system so only acquired content will be assessed. Can you tell us what content you have already acquired via Radia Patch Manager? This is the first step in the Radia Patch process. Refer to the guide for more details about the acquisition process, and post the acquire.log from the PatchManager/logs folder if possible. 

 Once Patch content exists in the CSDB you will see that content via Patch reporting but only the content you acquired will show up in the Patch reports. For instance, if you acquire MS-KB4056894 the reporting will only show MS-KB4056894 as patch/not patched if applicable to the OS/Product for the device. Make sure you acquire content that is relevant to devices you are patching. There is an EXCLUSION list in the Radia console to limit the amount of content based on OS/Products. All OS/Product boxes that are not checked will be included, so if you want to acquire Windows 7 content leave the box unchecked. You should also check off boxes to EXCLUDE OS and products you do not need to acquire to limit the amount of data. Acquisitions can be large and run for a very long time if you do not exclude content that is not needed in the environment. 

 After content has been successful acquired and exists in the CSDB you will need to have Discover and Finalize patch assigned in policy as Arne stated. You don't need to assign MS-KB4056894 in policy for it to show up in reports but you would need to assign MS-KB4056894 in policy to deploy and patch the device. Any content that is acquired and exists in the CSDB editor will show up in reporting as long as the content is applicable to the device. Windows 8 content will not show up in reporting for a Windows 7 device. 

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