
Radia - General Discussions

Ishant Walia

auto download patch &third party patch

Hi Experts,

Please help in below.

Can we auto schedule the download of patches form internet to Radia core server ?

Also please suggest can we download third party patch in Radia apart from the default one.




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Previous 7 comments

Arne Halsteinslid

Hi Ishant!

Concerning scheduled download of patches, I managed to get this working by:

a) Creating file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\ACQPATCH.CMD', containing the following commands ('Some.acq' must be replaced with the name of your .acq file):
cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager”
nvdkit-rca-patch.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\modules\patch.tkd" acquire -config "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\etc\patch.cfg","C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\etc\Some.acq"  -feedback periodic -feedback_interval 1

b) Copying file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\ConfigurationServer\bin\license.nvd' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\modules'

c) Creating a scheduled job that executes 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\ACQPATCH.CMD'

Best regards,
Arne Halsteinslid
Solution Architect
Commercial Data Servers AS

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Matt Deverick

You can accomplish this using nvdkit-rca-patch.exe or nvdkit-hpca-patch.exe (depending on your Radia version). You will find the exe the patch manager folder.


Usage Examples:

Adhoc Aquisition

\\RCA\PatchManager\nvdkit-rca-patch.exe modules\\patch.tkd acquire -bulletins MS11*,MS12*,MS13*,MS14*,MS15*,MS16*


Acquisition using preconfigured acq file

\\RCA\PatchManager\nvdkit-rca-patch.exe modules\\patch.tkd acquire -configs etc\\patch.cfg,etc\\xxxx.acq

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Ishant Walia

Is this process download all the patches or some specific only ?

So , I need to put below data in a cmd file and need to place it in this "'C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\ACQPATCH.CMD"

and what is the use of copying license file to other place? 

nvdkit-rca-patch.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\modules\patch.tkd" acquire -config "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\etc\patch.cfg","C:\Program Files (x86)\PSL\RCA\PatchManager\etc\Some.acq"  -feedback periodic -feedback_interval 1

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Arne Halsteinslid


I could not make the scheduled acquisition run unless I copied in the license.nvd file.

You have to create and configure your own .acq file using the Radia console Configuration tab.

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James Longo - EU

 A couple of words of caution regarding the automation of the Radia acquisition, especially if you are acquiring directly into production.

 The file is quite large and in some environments where bandwidth is an issue the deployment of the file is problematic. I have seen instances where the file is updated with informational content only and does not include any patch updates. This will trigger the download of the file to agents without patching the systems and would require another acquisition to download the fully updated file, and yet another deployment of the updated file. This would result in over 500mb of data just in file deployments within a short period of time and may raise some red flags with Networking.

 On the other side would be a delay in the release of the file which would also result in no patch updates be delivered and another acquisition would be needed when the file is updated. So if you are going to automate the acquisition please keep these points of interest in mind.

 Third party patching in Radia is an area where I have done extensive work with my clients going back to 2014 when MS dropped support for WinXP. I supported a few customers for over a year by providing WinXP custom bulletins. This eventually led into other areas of third party patching including MS Office, VLC media played, iTunes, Adobe products, Browsers, FTP programs, File editors, etc, and even custom scripts compiled into executables to create/enforce registry data. My goal is to make Radia a contender with the SCUP catalog for SCCM.  

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Ishant Walia

Hi Experts,

So, what kind of patches i can auto download ( Microsoft or others too) ?

Hi @Arne Halsteinslid could you please brief on how to use this process of auto download ?

I'm getting confused.



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Arne Halsteinslid

Hi Ishant!

In order to automatically download the newest Microsoft patches once they are released, you must first create a patch acquisition job with a wildcard patch name designation in the 'Bulletins' field. But, you have to be careful in doing so, since a wildcard designation may pull down 'too much' and/or patch bulletins that you do not need, for instance superseded patch bulletins.

I used to use wildcard designations ('MS-KB*' and 'MS16-*') and an automatic/scheduled acquisition job earlier, but I have moved away from it. I now instead explicitly code the bulletin names of the bulletins I wish to acquire, based on the Microsoft Security Guide and MBSA analysis. I would recommend this approach, since it gives you complete control of what you pull down.

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