
Radia - General Discussions

Jim Longo

Radia Patch Manager/Download Manager Options (background transfer of patch binaries)

 Radia Patch Manager can transfer patch binaries outside the normal patch connect by enabling the Download Manager option in Agent Options. This is advantageous when transferring large binaries like Windows 10 cumulative updates that may take a long time to transfer on slow networks. While the files are downloading in the background the end-point can continue to be managed by the Radia agent. Once the download of the patch binary is complete the patch can be applied or deferred until the next patch connect.

Download Manager can be used without the metadata only option. When using metadata only, the download manager is automatically enabled. 

Review the Radia Admin guide for more details regarding Download Manager. 

Patch Agents can be patched with or without the use of the Download Manager option. Without it, the Agent connect handles the download of the required patch files in a foreground process. In contrast, the Download Manager uses a background process to handle the passive download of the required patch files onto the Agent.

Download Manager runs independently and downloads the binaries. If the user turns off the machine or is disconnected from the network during the download, on reboot, the timer ensures that the Download Manager resumes downloading the binary from the point where it stopped. If Apply patches after download completion is set to Yes, Download Manager automatically
triggers a new Patch Agent Connect.

Enable Download Manager to transfer the files required to apply patches onto the managed devices in the background, outside of the usual Agent connect process. This option allows for bandwidth throttling and an automatic stop and start of the download until it completes.


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