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CloudPortal Business Manager 1.x
cloudPlatform: User signature is not equaled to computed signature test
I'm trying to setup CPBM 1.4.7-1 to run against CP 3.0.6-1, but for some reason the "user signature" is lowercase version of the "computed signature", and hence they are not equal to each other, and the authentication fails. I have already followed the troubleshooting tips at: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/cloudportalbusiness-14/ccpb-troubleshoot.html with no luck. Any ideas why the case difference between the signatures might be occuring?
INFO [cloud.user.AccountManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-8:) User signature: ebuyjx6/sc9m5j4fxk7uubie3qs= is not equaled to computed signature: EBuYjx6/SC9m5J4fxK7UubIe3qs=
WARN [cloud.api.ApiServer] (catalina-exec-19:) The given command:listzones does not exist
INFO [cloud.user.AccountManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-1:) User signature: x0ogmbeq3cn9jwvdhydt/ogjjpm= is not equaled to computed signature: x0OgMBEq3Cn9JWVdHYdT/OGJjpM=
Previous 5件のコメント

Hi Manish,
No customisation was done, but I had un-installed CPBM 1.4.7 and installed CPBM2.1, but then due to business requirements reversed this and went back to CPBM 1.4.7, which is when we stated seeing this signature problem. (also reversed the updates to CloudPlatform and the mysql DB, but these two are working fine).

Hi Baybars,
This is really strange issue and we have never seen it. It could be possible that while installing and uninstalling 1.4x and then 2.x there are some jars left in the foot print and thus causing the issue.
I would suggest try installing CPBM1.4.7 on a fresh VM and see if the issue still persist.

Hi Manish,
I have spun up two fresh VMs and installed CPBM1.4.7 and cloud platform 3.0.6-1, but the result is the same; the signatures differ (just by case). Any further ideas?
Thanks, Baybars

Hi Manish,
In addition to the update above, I also checked through tcpdump that CPBM does send the signature in mixed case; so the case is converted into lowercase within Cloud Platform (which also calculates the signature - correctly, in mixed case).
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