I'm trying to setup CPBM 1.4.7-1 to run against CP 3.0.6-1, but for some reason the "user signature" is lowercase version of the "computed signature", and hence they are not equal to each other, and the authentication fails. I have already followed the troubleshooting tips at: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/cloudportalbusiness-14/ccpb-troubleshoot.html with no luck. Any ideas why the case difference between the signatures might be occuring?
INFO [cloud.user.AccountManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-8:) User signature: ebuyjx6/sc9m5j4fxk7uubie3qs= is not equaled to computed signature: EBuYjx6/SC9m5J4fxK7UubIe3qs=
WARN [cloud.api.ApiServer] (catalina-exec-19:) The given command:listzones does not exist
INFO [cloud.user.AccountManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-1:) User signature: x0ogmbeq3cn9jwvdhydt/ogjjpm= is not equaled to computed signature: x0OgMBEq3Cn9JWVdHYdT/OGJjpM=