CloudPlatform 4.x

Rahul Yadav
Template deletion

Hi Team,


We have created a template and then created a few VMs from the same template. ALL VM is working fine as expected.

Now, I wanted to delete the template, can we delete a template if VM is running the same templates?


1 0
Carlos Trujillo
Migrate VPC virtual routers

Hi all,
Du to a requirement we need to migrate the VPC virtual routers and networks outside the ACP. I wonder if someone has some experience or knows the best way to do that. ACP 4.5.1 running on vSphere 5.5. Thanks in advance and kind regards.

1 0
Neil Soyez
XenServer Pool Master Change

We Currently have a Cluster running XenServer hosts.   The pool master just had a hardware failure (The Storage NIC) and I need to eject it from the pool and designate a new master.   What needs to be done on the CloudPlatform end?   Currently, the master and the slaves can see each other just fine, as the management NIC is ok.   But, I notice that I cannot make any storage changes to instances.  (I assume because the master does not have access to the storage)

4 0
colin free
updateTemplatePermissions allows a template to be added to a project. Created template not accessible

I am trying to look at how a templates can be created once and shared amongst projects you have access to. I am creating a windows template from ISO and then snapshotting the root volume and creating a template from the snapshot.


If I create it within a project, it is owned by the project and I can't share it with other projects.

If I create it in my default view, it is owned by me and I can share it with the projects using the commend below. If I list permissions on the template then the project is listed. But, it is not visible in the project because I own it and not the project.


adding project to template

cloudstack-cli command updateTemplatePermissions id='7cdd4328-1048-491f-bd41-56efaa25bb0f' op='add' projectids='4e9b6b09-51d9-4943-8fe4-19f64619dbf2'


updated permissions

id: 7cdd4328-1048-491f-bd41-56efaa25bb0f
ispublic: false
- 4e9b6b09-51d9-4943-8fe4-19f64619dbf2
- 52694426-b1eb-4f61-91ee-3d964320295d
- 736c1c2a-08ae-4b20-ae6e-4b89ac3240f9
- 2a429dd5-ff0b-41a3-a525-883b21bbf5ca


Attempting to make it visible to the projects by making public is prohibited

cloudstack-cli command updateTemplatePermissions id='7cdd4328-1048-491f-bd41-56efaa25bb0f' ispublic='true'

[31mERROR[0m: ApiError - Status 431: Only private templates can be created..


How is the creation of a template for all your projects supposed to work?


3 0
Kamal Kumar Das
Oracle OVM

Can we integrate oracle OVM 3.4.x




2 0
Markus Waag
How to delete networks that are in state 'shutdown'?


we have a network-tier which is in state 'shutdown' and cannot delete it.

We tried it via Webgui and via API (plus via API with option 'forced=true')

Here are the results:

Webgui: Error-Message after ten(!) minutes: "Delete network failed", in management-server-log we following messages:

2017-01-12 17:33:36,653 WARN [c.c.u.d.Merovingian2] (API-Job-Executor-85:ctx-84d76baf job-155960 ctx-369e542c) (logid:7022cef7) Timed out on acquiring lock networks866 . Waited for 600seconds Timed out on acquiring lock networks866 . Waited for 600seconds at at at
2017-01-12 17:33:36,654 WARN [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-85:ctx-84d76baf job-155960 ctx-369e542c) (logid:7022cef7) Unable to acquire lock for the network null as a part of network shutdown
2017-01-12 17:33:36,654 WARN [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-85:ctx-84d76baf job-155960 ctx-369e542c) (logid:7022cef7) Unable to acquire lock for the network null as a part of network shutdown
API-Call (cloudmonkey, profile: root): delete network id=3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0
=same result as via webgui
API-Call (cloudmonkey, profile: root): delete network id=3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0 forced=true
= Timeout after 70 minutes (!!!)
Entries in Management-Server-Log:
2017-01-13 13:27:51,162 INFO [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:fac743a5) Add job-156235 into job monitoring
2017-01-13 13:27:51,167 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-5:ctx-b0fa64c4 ctx-9b49db49 ctx-1a878da6) (logid:607056a5) submit async job-156235, details: AsyncJobVO {id:156235, userId: 2, accountId: 2, instanceType: None, instanceId: null, cmd:, cmdInfo: {"cmdEventType":"NETWORK.DELETE","ctxUserId":"2","signatureversion":"3","httpmethod":"GET","apiKey":"xxx","id":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","response":"json","ctxDetails":"{\"\":\"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0\"}","expires":"2017-01-13T12:37:51+0000","ctxAccountId":"2","uuid":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","ctxStartEventId":"5267400","signature":"Pdmh6r1aZBssaYxD5OYIN6BBKXA\u003d","forced":"true"}, cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null, initMsid: 345049465082, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: null}
2017-01-13 13:27:51,168 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Executing AsyncJobVO {id:156235, userId: 2, accountId: 2, instanceType: None, instanceId: null, cmd:, cmdInfo: {"cmdEventType":"NETWORK.DELETE","ctxUserId":"2","signatureversion":"3","httpmethod":"GET","apiKey":"CuYlSHIFbEjRvMTTvGxxR1Zvx1tSetTtR1_uOQMHTMqW5lypFMlvd-XBaBYCyBjkucdRHCrAHHjXeJXVr-K58Q","id":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","response":"json","ctxDetails":"{\"\":\"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0\"}","expires":"2017-01-13T12:37:51+0000","ctxAccountId":"2","uuid":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","ctxStartEventId":"5267400","signature":"Pdmh6r1aZBssaYxD5OYIN6BBKXA\u003d","forced":"true"}, cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null, initMsid: 345049465082, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: null}
2017-01-13 13:29:22,251 WARN [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (Timer-1:ctx-c67882ac) (logid:76f072f7) Task (job-156235) has been pending for 91 seconds
[...]many "pending" messages [...]
2017-01-13 13:37:36,298 WARN [c.c.u.d.Merovingian2] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Timed out on acquiring lock networks866 . Waited for 600seconds Timed out on acquiring lock networks866 . Waited for 600seconds at at at
[...]java backtrace[...]
2017-01-13 13:37:36,299 WARN [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Unable to acquire lock for the network null as a part of network shutdown
2017-01-13 13:37:36,304 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Releasing 0 port forwarding rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,305 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Releasing 0 static nat rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,306 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) There are no port forwarding rules to apply for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,307 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) There are no port forwarding rules to apply for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,308 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) There are no static nat rules to apply for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,309 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) There are no static nat rules to apply for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,312 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.RulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully released rules for network id=866 and # of rules now = 0
2017-01-13 13:37:36,312 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully cleaned up portForwarding/staticNat rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,313 DEBUG [c.c.n.l.LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Found 0 lb rules to cleanup
2017-01-13 13:37:36,313 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully cleaned up load balancing rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,325 DEBUG [c.c.n.f.FirewallManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Releasing 0 firewall rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,327 DEBUG [c.c.n.f.FirewallManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) There are no firewall rules to apply
2017-01-13 13:37:36,329 DEBUG [c.c.n.f.FirewallManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully released firewall rules for network id=866 and # of rules now = 0
2017-01-13 13:37:36,337 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully cleaned up firewallRules rules for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,341 DEBUG [c.c.n.v.NetworkACLManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Releasing 2 Network ACL Items for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,344 DEBUG [c.c.n.v.NetworkACLManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Applying NetworkACL for network: 866 with Network ACL service provider
2017-01-13 13:37:36,350 DEBUG [c.c.n.e.VpcVirtualRouterElement] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Virtual router elemnt doesn't need to apply firewall rules on the backend; virtual router doesn't exist in the network 866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,351 DEBUG [c.c.n.v.NetworkACLManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully released Network ACLs for network id=866 and # of rules now = 2
2017-01-13 13:37:36,351 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Successfully cleaned up NetworkACLs for network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,354 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Sending destroy to
2017-01-13 13:37:36,372 DEBUG [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Service SecurityGroup is not supported in the network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,382 DEBUG [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Service SecurityGroup is not supported in the network id=866
2017-01-13 13:37:36,398 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentAttache] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Seq 44-1379508860859036098: Forwarding Seq 44-1379508860859036098: { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049465082, via: 44(, Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, [{"":{"dhcpRange":"","networkDomain":"cs64cloud.internal","isRedundant":false,"add":false,"nic":{"deviceId":3,"networkRateMbps":-1,"defaultNic":false,"pxeDisable":true,"nicUuid":"67c7933b-ab32-4ca1-ac1c-0b25592218f9","uuid":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","mac":"02:00:54:77:00:02","broadcastType":"Vlan","type":"Guest","broadcastUri":"vlan://3320","isolationUri":"vlan://3320","isSecurityGroupEnabled":false,"name":"dvSwitch1,,vmwaredvs"},"accessDetails":{"router.guest.ip":"","guest.vlan.tag":"3320","":"","guest.bridge":"","":"r-1821-VM","router.ip":""},"wait":0}}] } to 345049489649
2017-01-13 13:38:22,251 WARN [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (Timer-1:ctx-250bed93) (logid:37744aa9) Task (job-156235) has been pending for 631 seconds
[...] again many many "pending" messages until [...]
2017-01-13 14:37:36,399 INFO [c.c.u.e.CSExceptionErrorCode] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Could not find exception: in error code list for exceptions
2017-01-13 14:37:36,404 WARN [c.c.a.m.AgentAttache] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Seq 44-1379508860859036098: Timed out on Seq 44-1379508860859036098: { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049465082, via: 44(, Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, [{"":{"dhcpRange":"","networkDomain":"cs64cloud.internal","isRedundant":false,"add":false,"nic":{"deviceId":3,"networkRateMbps":-1,"defaultNic":false,"pxeDisable":true,"nicUuid":"67c7933b-ab32-4ca1-ac1c-0b25592218f9","uuid":"3b52f0aa-101b-4949-b2e6-a8ea3c58e5d0","ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","mac":"02:00:54:77:00:02","broadcastType":"Vlan","type":"Guest","broadcastUri":"vlan://3320","isolationUri":"vlan://3320","isSecurityGroupEnabled":false,"name":"dvSwitch1,,vmwaredvs"},"accessDetails":{"router.guest.ip":"","guest.vlan.tag":"3320","":"","guest.bridge":"","":"r-1821-VM","router.ip":""},"wait":0}}] }
2017-01-13 14:37:36,404 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentAttache] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Seq 44-1379508860859036098: Forwarding to peer to cancel due to timeout
2017-01-13 14:37:36,404 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Seq 44--1: MgmtId 345049465082: Req: Routing to peer
2017-01-13 14:37:36,404 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentAttache] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Seq 44-1379508860859036098: Cancelling.
2017-01-13 14:37:36,404 WARN [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Timed Out Commands 1379508860859036098 to Host 44 timed out after 3600 at at at
[...]java backtrace[...]
2017-01-13 14:37:36,407 WARN [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235 ctx-0a7b8e61) (logid:b64e2f8f) Unable to complete destroy of the network due to element: VpcVirtualRouter Resource [Host:44] is unreachable: Host 44: Unable to send commands to virtual router at at at
[...]java backtrace[...]
2017-01-13 14:37:36,417 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Complete async job-156235, jobStatus: FAILED, resultCode: 530, result: org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ExceptionResponse/null/{"uuidList":[],"errorcode":530,"errortext":"Failed to delete network"}
2017-01-13 14:37:36,419 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Publish async job-156235 complete on message bus
2017-01-13 14:37:36,419 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Wake up jobs related to job-156235
2017-01-13 14:37:36,419 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Update db status for job-156235
2017-01-13 14:37:36,420 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Wake up jobs joined with job-156235 and disjoin all subjobs created from job- 156235
2017-01-13 14:37:36,424 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Done executing for job-156235
2017-01-13 14:37:36,425 INFO [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (API-Job-Executor-114:ctx-85c471bb job-156235) (logid:b64e2f8f) Remove job-156235 from job monitoring
Is here anyone else with similar problems and how can it be fixed?
We hoped that the parameter "forced=true" (found it here: would help, but it doesn't.
2 0
Neil Soyez
Site-2-Site VPN with SonicWALL

 I know that on Cisco and Juniper firewalls are supported for setting up S2S VPNs between a customer site and a VPC.   But, we have clients that have been using SonicWALL to connect to their VPCs for a couple of years now.   We upgraded from 4.5.1 to 4.7.1 and now none of those connections are working.  Has anyone been able to successfully get a VPC to SonicWALL s2s VPN to work?   If so, am I missing something?

26 0
Daina Karklina
CloudPlatform Support


We have the following licences:

Citrix CloudPlatform Socket licence (30 )

                There is no expiration date, so – does this mean that licences are valid? What is the support level? Do we need to buy support from Accelerite? How do you provide support for Latvia? We plan to use  8 licences of  Citrix CloudPlatform Socket Licence? How to get price quotation for support?


1 0
Yohei Emori


0 0
Sadanand Patel
Secondary Storage Problem

Hi All,

After upgrading CloudPlatform 4.5.1 to 4.7.0, secondary storage showing 0.00 kb. and system vm's not up after reboot or destroy.

3 0
Lorscheider de Santiago Silva
Support XenServer 7 - CloudPlatform
What is the roadmap for XenServer 7 support in CloudPlatform?
1 0
About CloudPlatform 4.7 with VMware vSphere
Hi , Please teach me about CloudPlatform specification. Can I use the function of VMware vSphere shown below in combination with CloudPlatform? - VMware vSphere Storage DRS. (not Host DRS) - VMware Virtual Volumes (VVols). Kind regards, Tomotaka
6 -1
Pankaj Paliwal
CloudPlatform & CPBM Forums are Now Active!

Welcome to the new Accelerite CloudPlatform & CloudPortal Business Manager community forums. The community is now active on the Accelerite Support Portal, most of the forum topics that were present on the Citrix community forums for CloudPlatform & CPBM have been moved over to the Accelerite Community. You can find the forums at the below links:


CloudPlatform -



We are hoping this community will provide a place for active discussion of these product lines across users of the products as well as Accelerite’s passionate teams and partners.This is a public forum and registration is simple; information on how to register for an Accelerite Support Portal account can be found at


At present all of the discussions are filed by the product version they are most relevant to. Over the coming weeks Accelerite will start to create more descriptive topic titles to aid browsing and we’d love to hear suggestions from you all in response to this post.


Accelerite is committed to providing a strong roadmap for the CloudPlatform & CPBM products and these forums will help us ensure the product is developed to meet the needs of the user base.


Please engage in healthy discussion regards what you would like to see in the products as well as any tips and tricks or requests to other users. Accelerite will provide feedback on our plans and we look forward to collaborating together as a community. Regards Accelerite Support

0 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Autoscale Policy not working

Autoscale Policy not working

HI Guys,


We are deploying a cloudstack enviroment for an ISP and untill today everithing has been great.


We ara managing a pool of two XenServers 6.5 SP1 with all hotfixes and patches applied.


Now we want to test the autoscale features, and first of all we tried the "without netscaler" mode, but there was no way to see how to make it work. The "autoscale" option is not there.


Then we, deployed a VPX appliance with an express license.


We add the netscaler device to cloudstack and everything seems ok, we create the autoscale policy in an isolated network and there is no errors or issues but then, nothing happens.


Can't see anything relevant on the logs.


Cloudstack version is 4.8 and Netscaler 10.1


Thank You.



Jaime Mulero Molinet MEMBERS
0 0
Neil Soyez
Updating GuestOS Tempates After XenServer Upgrade

I am running CCP 4.5.1 with XenServer Hosts.   I recently upgraded my Hosts from XS 6.5 to XS 6.5SP1 (and all updates to XS65ESP11023).   When adding a new VM Template or ISO, I noticed that even though my XenServers now have GuestOS templates for new Operating Systems, such as Windows 10, CCP still only shows the previously available templates.  I assume that the XenTools is also the previous version. 

How do I update the GuestOS templates in CCP to match what the XenServers have available?   I read something about a "addGuestOSMapping API" command, but nothing on how to actually use it.



3 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Guest VMs cannot access Internet

Guest VMs cannot access Internet

Hi all,


I have a new CloudStack 4.8 install running with KVM on CentOS7.  It is setup with advanced networking using vlan isolation.


The SSVM works great and i deployed a new guest VM using the Centos5.5 default image,


The Centos5.5 guest VM can ping the virtual router.  The virtual router can ping the Internet and the guest VM.  However, the guest VM cannot ping the Internet.  The guest VM can do name resolution when using the virtual router as its dns server.  


We are doing Source NAT, the virtual router has a Internet IP address.  I can do additional troubleshooting, just let me know what you need.


Thank for any help you can provide!


1 0
Neil Soyez
XenServer Lic w/ CloudPlatform

This week we renewed our CloudPlatform (Annual) subscription and support.   Our XenServer Enterprise - per socket licenses (which we received when we purchased last year) had also expired.  I received the new license for CloudPlatform yesterday.  But, when I went to allocate my licenses, I did not receive any new licenses for XenServer.   So, I promptly called Citrix Support.   I was told that CloudPlatform no longer includes licensing for XenServer.


Can someone tell me if this is true? 

1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Hyper-V Secondary

Hyper-V Secondary


If you are adding Hyper-V to CloudPlatform, the requirement is SMB or local disk. If that is the case, its not NFS so mounting it to Management Server wouldn't be capable. So how would you add the system vm template if your secondary storage is an SMB hosted from a windows based file server?

Cliff Pinnock MEMBERS
4 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Disabling Security Groups In a Zone

Disabling Security Groups In a Zone


When you configure your zone for advanced networking, and you select to use security groups, can you go back after and disable security group?

Cliff Pinnock MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.

CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.

The issue we are seeing relates to the way in which we believe your CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.


You may see and instant of the OVA that fails to import into CloudPlatform Business Manager by navigating to our download pages at and looking at the OVA in the âManually deploy a new Conferencing Nodeâ section. For your reference, the OVA we produce that is listed in the âDeploy a new Management Nodeâ, uses the more ânormalâ XML description, and CloudPlatform parses this with no issue.


Our use of XML namespaces (a standard part of XML: is completely standard and also necessary in order to ensure the XML is generated in a controlled way. The namespaces are defined using the âxmlnsâ tag at the start of the file. You will see that we define âovfâ and âns0â to have exactly the same URI (please look at the XML from both the working Management node and non-working Conferencing node linked to previously). This means they have exactly the same semantics, and can be used interchangeably. However, due to some unknown reason, the Citrix systems are unable to parse this information correctly. If the parsing of the XML looks at the namespace prefix, rather than the namespace URI, then Citrix is not parsing the XML correctly.


We are not able to change the way we generate the OVF template, but we have had reports that manually editing the XML result in a OVA that can be imported, and once the VM has been deployed, things work as you would expect. We have recommended to our customers that they approach Citrix directly and requesting that you re-look at the parsing of the files, especially considering that the native XEN platform (including the Citrix XEN v6 On Prem Solution), VMware and all other OVF-parsing tools we have met successfully parse our XML.




We are seeing more and more customers look at cloud offerings to support their videoconferencing solutions using our platform. I therefore trust you will be able to create an internal technical issue for the Cloud Platform team, and that you may be able to resolve this matter to the mutual benefit of both Citrix and Pexip.



1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.

CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.

The issue we are seeing relates to the way in which we believe your CloudPlatform is parsing XML data in the OVF file contained within an OVA container use for the deployment of virtual machines.


You may see and instant of the OVA that fails to import into CloudPlatform Business Manager by navigating to our download pages at and looking at the OVA in the âManually deploy a new Conferencing Nodeâ section. For your reference, the OVA we produce that is listed in the âDeploy a new Management Nodeâ, uses the more ânormalâ XML description, and CloudPlatform parses this with no issue.


Our use of XML namespaces (a standard part of XML: is completely standard and also necessary in order to ensure the XML is generated in a controlled way. The namespaces are defined using the âxmlnsâ tag at the start of the file. You will see that we define âovfâ and âns0â to have exactly the same URI (please look at the XML from both the working Management node and non-working Conferencing node linked to previously). This means they have exactly the same semantics, and can be used interchangeably. However, due to some unknown reason, the Citrix systems are unable to parse this information correctly. If the parsing of the XML looks at the namespace prefix, rather than the namespace URI, then Citrix is not parsing the XML correctly.


We are not able to change the way we generate the OVF template, but we have had reports that manually editing the XML result in a OVA that can be imported, and once the VM has been deployed, things work as you would expect. We have recommended to our customers that they approach Citrix directly and requesting that you re-look at the parsing of the files, especially considering that the native XEN platform (including the Citrix XEN v6 On Prem Solution), VMware and all other OVF-parsing tools we have met successfully parse our XML.


Our customers (who are probably provided specialist services for your customers, if not direct customers of Citrix themselves), include:






We are seeing more and more customers look at cloud offerings to support their videoconferencing solutions using our platform. I therefore trust you will be able to create an internal technical issue for the Cloud Platform team, and that you may be able to resolve this matter to the mutual benefit of both Citrix and Pexip.



0 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Configuring Juniper SRX in Cloudplatform

Configuring Juniper SRX in Cloudplatform

Dear All,

I unable to setup static NAT rule & Firewall rule through CCP after successfully configured following steps,

1.  "SRX device"

2. "Network Offering"

3. "Add instance"

4. "Source NAT"

I acquired public IP from configured pool at Public (Not for Management, Guest). But it's appear some error logs(Please see attachment) . I felt the issue is coming when writing the configuration related to public interface. All guest interface configuration has done successfully. please help me.


Thanks & Regards


Tenishan Fernando MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
OS Type Windows 10 // Not preview

OS Type Windows 10 // Not preview



An update or workaround would be available soon ?


Because i can't deploy Windows 10 vdi from my Cloudplatform, on it the OS Type is "Windows 10 Preview (64-bit) (experimental)", and it doesn't exist anymore on XenServer 6.5 patched for Windows 10 Final.






Jonathan Puglia MEMBERS
3 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Different between CloudPlatform and CloudStack?

Different between CloudPlatform and CloudStack?

Hi guys,


yinhong Zhou MEMBERS
0 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Different between CloudPlatform and CloudStack?

Different between CloudPlatform and CloudStack?

Hi guys,


    Do any body know what's the different(functions,reliability) between "XenCloudPlatform" and "CloudStack"?

yinhong Zhou MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
unmanaged vm and backup

unmanaged vm and backup

in environment cloudStack 4.3  (hypervisor xenserver) is possible to install vm unmanaged from cloudstack ? Also, can i take vm snapshot directly from xenserver ?
For backup is possible deploy a vm like unitrends to backup vm ?
Kind regards,
Gian Paolo

Gian Paolo Buono MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
No facility available for disk upload. Unable to create any functioning volume service VMs.

No facility available for disk upload. Unable to create any functioning volume service VMs.



I have a setup cloudplatform 4.5 and integrated it into xendesktop 7.6 using citrix studio.


The Citrix Cloudplatform management server also stores the primary and secondary storage. When it comes to the networking i have kept it simple by using "Basic zone".


Also in Cloudplatform i have created a volume worker vm ( centos 6.4 ) with the

*ctxvd-x-x-1.i386.rpm package installed

*Citrix Xentools installed

*An exeption for 443 port in iptables / FW

*/etc/ctxvwd/select-platform CCP

*service ctxvwd start


The volume worker template also have the tag Citrix.Xendesktop.Template.Role=VolumeServiceWorkerRole in CCP.


But when i attempt to create a desktop to cloudplatform using citrix studio ( small instance - machine creation services and my windows 10 template ) i get the error:



Error Id: XDDS:2367399E


    Citrix.Console.Models.Exceptions.ProvisioningTaskException A volume service instance could not be launched in your cloud connection. In Studio, select Hosting in the left pane and then select the cloud connection. Click Test Connection in the Actions pane. The test results should provide additional information.

       at Citrix.Console.PowerShellSdk.ProvisioningSchemeService.BackgroundTasks.ProvisioningSchemeTask.CheckForTerminatingError(SdkProvisioningSchemeAction sdkProvisioningSchemeAction)

       at Citrix.Console.PowerShellSdk.ProvisioningSchemeService.BackgroundTasks.ProvisioningSchemeTask.WaitForProvisioningSchemeActionCompletion(Guid taskId, Action`1 actionResultsObtained)

       at Citrix.Console.PowerShellSdk.ProvisioningSchemeService.BackgroundTasks.ProvisioningSchemeCreationTask.StartProvisioningAction()

       at Citrix.Console.PowerShellSdk.ProvisioningSchemeService.BackgroundTasks.ProvisioningSchemeCreationTask.RunTask()

       at Citrix.Console.PowerShellSdk.BackgroundTaskService.BackgroundTask.Task.Run()

   DesktopStudio_ErrorId : UnknownError
ErrorCategory : NotSpecified
ErrorID : NoDiskContentTransferService
TaskErrorInformation : Terminated
   InternalErrorMessage : No facility available for disk upload. No facility available for disk upload. Unable to create any functioning volume service VMs.

    DesktopStudio_PowerShellHistory : Create Machine Catalog 'Windows10'

    20.11.2015 16:29:20


    Get-LogSite  -AdminAddress ""

    Start-LogHighLevelOperation  -AdminAddress "" -Source "Studio" -StartTime "20.11.2015 15:23:21" -Text "Create Machine Catalog `'Windows10`'"

    New-BrokerCatalog  -AdminAddress "" -AllocationType "Permanent" -Description "Windows10" -IsRemotePC $False -LoggingId "54dc9905-0a10-49c5-b8db-ec5f69c8b326" -MinimumFunctionalLevel "L7_6" -Name "Windows10" -PersistUserChanges "OnLocal" -ProvisioningType "MCS" -Scope @() -SessionSupport "SingleSession"

    New-AcctIdentityPool  -AdminAddress "" -AllowUnicode -Domain "cloud.local" -IdentityPoolName "Windows10" -LoggingId "54dc9905-0a10-49c5-b8db-ec5f69c8b326" -NamingScheme "CCP-##" -NamingSchemeType "Numeric" -OU "OU=CCP,DC=cloud,DC=local" -Scope @()

    Set-BrokerCatalogMetadata  -AdminAddress "" -CatalogId 18 -LoggingId "54dc9905-0a10-49c5-b8db-ec5f69c8b326" -Name "Citrix_DesktopStudio_IdentityPoolUid" -Value "b9ff9ae7-358b-4d52-8d4f-40f772bccf44"

    Test-ProvSchemeNameAvailable  -AdminAddress "" -ProvisioningSchemeName @("Windows10")

    New-ProvScheme  -AdminAddress "" -HostingUnitName "Network" -IdentityPoolName "Windows10" -LoggingId "54dc9905-0a10-49c5-b8db-ec5f69c8b326" -MasterImageVM "XDHyp:\HostingUnits\Network\DS1.availabilityzone\xendesktop - Windows10 VDI.template" -NetworkMapping @{"0"="XDHyp:\HostingUnits\Network\DS1.availabilityzone\"} -ProvisioningSchemeName "Windows10" -RunAsynchronously -Scope @() -SecurityGroup @("XDHyp:\HostingUnits\Network\default.securitygroup") -ServiceOffering "XDHyp:\HostingUnits\Network\Medium Instance.serviceoffering"

    Stop-LogHighLevelOperation  -AdminAddress "" -EndTime "20.11.2015 15:29:20" -HighLevelOperationId "54dc9905-0a10-49c5-b8db-ec5f69c8b326" -IsSuccessful $False



I have followed the guide "Xenapp and Xendesktop concept and deployment on CloudPlatform.

Any help is appreciated :)

Robert Flåten MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Trying to add cloudplatform to citrix studio - ErrorCode:401 ErrorText: unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature Command

Trying to add cloudplatform to citrix studio - ErrorCode:401 ErrorText: unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature Command



I am setting up a proof of concept with cloudplatform 4.5 and xendesktop 7.6. I dont have much experience with cloudplatform, so kinda new at this.. :)


When i add cloudplatform in citrix studio by supplying the connection address: and the api\secret key i have generated for the default admin account citrix studio are giving me the error message:  An error occured with your API and Secret Key combination. Ensure you enter them correctly


When looking at "View error details" in citrix studio the actual error message is this:

Exception : Citrix.ManagedMachineAPI.InvalidCredentialsException: unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature ---> Citrix.CloudStack.SDK.CloudStackException: ErrorCode:401 ErrorText: unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature Command: Context: ProtocolError on API call ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Infrastructure details: - Running Centos 6.7 and cloudplatform Also acting as NFS server with primary and secondary storage - Delivery Controller running xendesktop 7.6

CCP-XS01 - Xenserver 6.5 with the latest patches applied

All help is appreciated :)



Robert Flåten MEMBERS
1 0
Pankaj Paliwal
VM with Custom - Compute Offering

VM with Custom - Compute Offering


       I am unable create a Virtual Machine while  connecting via api call using Customized compute offering. It generates an error " Unable to verify user credentials ". Even if I am using right api and secret key. Same keys working for non customized offering. 


Request to cloudstack :




Error :

   {"deployvirtualmachineresponse":{"uuidList":[],"errorcode":401,"errortext":"unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature"}}

Mohanapriya R MEMBERS
9 0
Pankaj Paliwal
Configuring Juniper SRX in Cloudplatform

Configuring Juniper SRX in Cloudplatform

We have been using CPSM for quite some time with App Orch, we are looking to get CPBM setup for reporting/billing purchases. I have two questions


1. when adding the CPSM integration do my existing tenants come over with the offering they have?


2. is there decent documentaion on how to add the integration to CPSM? I can't find anything useful. I am adding but when i add the service i get "Cloud service is down"


Paul Limpias MEMBERS
2 0

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